On August 18, 2009
Telstra and Microsoft’s UC Alliance | BTalk Australia
[caption id=”attachment_1850″ align=”alignright” width=”128″ caption=”Philip Jones”][/caption] (Episode 311; 11 minutes 44) This month Telstra and Microsoft unveiled Australia’s first hosted IP telephony service integrated with Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS). It provides one way to introduce Unified Communications (UC) into your business. At its simplest level it means you can click-to-call any name in your Outlook address book, but there are many more features that can improve your productivity and, perhaps, have fewer scheduled meetings. Phil Dobbie talks to Philip Jones, Telstra’s Director of Data, IP and Enterprise Services, about the partnership, what it offers and what we can expect from further developments in Unified Communications in the future. Tell us what you think in the Talkback section at the…