
The Fundamentals

At the most fundamental level our team is comprised of pragmatic, creative and optimistic business leaders who know how to get the job done.

As highly credible, experienced professionals we don’t waste our client’s time or money on drawn out meetings, consultant-speak, self-important white papers, or PowerPoint slides. Our only goal is to move as quickly and effectively as possible to help you turn your business around. With that in mind we focus our immediate and ongoing attention on the key areas that drive your business.

“If your business can be saved, we can in fact help you save it. We have one of the most determined and experienced teams in the industry and we have worked in a wide array of leadership positions with companies around the country and around the world.”

We have a deep understanding of the interplay between the key functional areas of your business (Sales, Operations, IT, Human Resources, and Finance), and can work to simultaneously address a wide array of business issues and challenges.

We also understand very clearly that without effective implementation and execution, even the most impressive written plans go to waste and do nothing to help your business. At the end of the day, we bring the right mix of practical business experience, creativity, energy and intellect to bear in addressing your most daunting business challenges.

Our Confidence

We know how to work effectively with a wide range of personalities and skills sets. If we’re fortunate enough to work with you and your team we will act as quickly and aggressively as possible to secure and improve your business, while maintaining the culture and spirit you worked so hard to create. What’s more, we don’t leave once the plan is developed. If necessary, we will work with you to place highly-qualified, trusted individuals in your organization who can work immediately and effectively with your existing team. These individuals can continue to work with your organization for an extended period of time depending on your unique needs and situation. In some cases these individuals could potentially become permanent members of your organization. At the end of the day, the decision is yours.

“Our team has repeatedly been described as “confident and competent, but not arrogant”

A comprehensive analysis of your financial situation is only the starting point. We will work closely with you and your team to quickly understand your business as a whole and to develop an aggressive, actionable plan to stop any bleeding, secure the business, and to deliver growth and net income as quickly as possible. From our unique perspective that means attacking all areas of the business, from sales, marketing and margin management to finance, operations and human resource planning.

The key point to remember is that our approach is to roll up our sleeves and work directly with you and your team from start to finish, and we will have skin in the game with you.

Our Credibility

More “traditional” consulting firms may be beyond your reach financially, or they may be unable to deliver the credible, practical hands-on assistance you need to save your business.

If they are interested in working with your organization they are likely to assign well meaning but largely inexperienced junior consultants to work with your firm. In many cases this means that they will focus primarily on billable hours and an almost academic focus on consultant speak, business theory, financial analysis and well-crafted PowerPoint presentations.

“We can place experts to work directly with you and your team to execute and implement our agreed-upon plans. If you don’t have the team needed to do the heavy lifting, we can help.”

Culture matters, and a plan that addresses the academic and financial issues, without understanding the unique culture within your organization, is a failed plan. We get it. We understand that the ability to execute and implement creative, well-conceived plans is the single most important factor in saving and then building your organization. Our recommendations and activities must mesh with your leadership style and the culture you’ve built in your business. We’re not afraid of the “pick and shovel” work that turns plans into reality, and our goal is to work closely with your existing team to deliver on those plans.