On October 21, 2009

Another Climate Prank: Sen. Arlen Specter Chased by Yes Men in Survivaball Suits

The Yes Men, the environmental and corporate ethics activist group responsible for this week’s fake press conference prank against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is at it again. This time they chase Sen. Arlen Specter in giant Survivaball suits and create a little havoc on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. The Yes Men first used the Survivaball prank on Halliburton, where they posed as company executives presenting the phony $100 million global-warming protection suits at a 2006 Catastrophic Loss conference in Florida. Whether the organization’s climate change pranks are effective is hard to say. They sure are hilarious, though. There’s something irresistible about watching people inside giant inflatable balls try to catch up to a senator, regardless of the message. Consider this a small distraction to other…

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