On November 21, 2009

Geithner’s Not Going

If you believe in the old political adage, “When nobody likes you, you must be doing a good job,” then U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Sure, a Rasmussen telephone survey shows that 42 percent of Americans believe Geithner is doing a “poor” job,” while only 20 percent think he’s doing a good job. According to the Rasmussen poll the public is mad at him because he gave Wall Street a break with the American International Group bailout. But investors are even madder at him; 47 percent don’t like him. Geithner is also being bombarded by bad press. A Bloomberg story headlined, “Geithner Resignation Calls May Increase as 2010 Election Nears” is echoed by major newspapers such…

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