On November 23, 2009

In Tough Times, Help Your Team Remember Their Purpose

We recently asked our leadership to bring a memento to a recent company meeting that reminds them of a time when they were at their best as a leader, parent, spouse or teammate. People arrived carrying everything from a ragged bible to a coffee mug. When the stories began, they were powerful and emotional.

One woman held up a prayer card from her mother’s funeral. She described her mother’s rough start in life: she was abused by her father and ran away from home in her early teens. She described her mother not as a victim, but as a survivor who scraped her way through secretarial school to support herself. She married and had nine children and numerous grandchildren. “She did not look back with regret and blame. She lived a life of optimism and found her purpose was to give her children a strong sense of being able to weather any storm,” the woman told her team. “She influenced my own purpose and direction. Because of her, I strive to be a great mother and a productive, accountable, and self-reliant person and employee.”

We all have personal stories that define our purpose and direction in life. The question becomes, is that personal purpose aligned with the purpose of your organization?

It is the leaders of the organization who must make sure that the company’s purpose is clearly defined and understood, fostered and reinforced. If leaders also encourage employees to understand their own purpose and direction and how it connects with the company’s, employee engagement, personal satisfaction and performance increase.

In his book, It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What You Stand For, Roy M. Spence Jr. writes something we have been coaching CEOs and executive leaders on for 30 years: “A real purpose can’t just be words on paper. It has to get under the skin of every member of your organization….If you get it right, people will feel great about what they’re doing, clear about their goals, and excited to get to work every morning.” This is especially important in turbulent times. At Senn Delaney, we took steps — like the show-and-tell exercise above — to keep that purpose in sight during the past 18 months.

Dupont CEO Ellen Kullman talked about the importance of purpose during tough times at Wharton’s 2009 annual Leadership Conference when she was describing her crisis leadership principles. She was surprised during weekly informal meetings with employees that the “number one question was about whether we are going to stick with our mission.” She realized that people were scared and wanted clear direction. “Making sure that people understand the mission — and linking their daily activities to the company’s broader purpose — is essential to reducing fear, maintaining morale and keeping employees motivated,” she said.

The economic meltdown has provided us with many lessons from leaders of embattled companies and they all point to one clear approach for success: Leaders must keep their company’s purpose alive and in the forefront.

Here are some questions to consider as you examine whether you are bringing your purpose to life in your company and the marketplace:

  • Do your employees know what the company’s purpose really is?
  • Do they feel like they have a personal connection to that purpose and their role in achieving it?
  • Do your clients and customers clearly understand your purpose and what it means to them?
  • Are you willing to make the hard decisions that need to be made to remain true to your organization’s purpose?

As leaders, it is our job to leverage purpose to affect real change. A key element of leadership is to inspire. In order to impact people several levels below you, leaders must create a level of inspiration that will galvanize employees in a direction and create a “magnetic north” for them to move towards.

Where does that inspiration come from? Some leaders believe they can inspire others through charisma. This can be true in the short term, but, I liken this approach to serving appetizers; they satisfy briefly, then make your employees are hungry again. By clarifying your company’s true purpose “how it makes a real difference in the lives of others”, and then connecting your personal leadership purpose to that broader company purpose, you will be able inspire employees in a more meaningful, lasting way.

Jim Hart is president and CEO of Senn Delaney, an international firm that is widely recognized as the leading authority and practitioner in the field of culture shaping. Prior to becoming president of Senn Delaney, Jim founded a leading business software publishing firm that twice earned positions on Inc. Magazine’s 500 list of the Fastest Growing Companies. He is the co-author of Winning Teams — Winning Cultures.

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