Weekend Links: Good Efficiency, Bad Efficiency
Plenty to read over the weekend if you’re so inclined:
Can you get your utility company to help you reduce your utility bill? Kelly Spors explains incentives for becoming more energy efficient at SmallBusinessTrends.
Philadelphia approved tax credits for B-Corps (companies with social missions), Anne Field writes at True/Slant.
Congress mulls small business aid in the upcoming jobs bill, Andy Sullivan reports at Reuters, and Geithner floats tax credits for investment and hiring, Glenn Somerville reports.
The Senate Small Business Committee eyes making permanent the expanded tax breaks for business owners under Section 179 (for expensing capital investment).
Employment won’t recover until Washington addresses small business lending barriers, Mark Sunshine argues at Seeking Alpha.
Seth Godin offers advice for companies that have ignored the Web and now want to catch up.
Restaurant bartering is up, the WSJ’s Julie Jargon reports.
Matt Linderman at Signal vs. Noise explores how making your business more efficient can diminish the value you provide.