Don’t Let Your Strength Become Your Weakness
One of the first things I ask my new clients to do is write down three of their key strengths and three of their flaws. Typically, strengths might be attention to detail, focus, and drive; flaws can be delegation, lack of creativity, and people-management skills. I then ask clients to look carefully at what they have written. Often, they will stare at the paper and then at me. They will ask me to explain. Rarely do they see the connection.
The fact is that our flaws are often the mirror image of our strengths, and it’s important to realize that we should not over-develop our strengths, causing them to turn into flaws. There is always an optimal point: confidence that doesn’t border on arrogance, wit that doesn’t slide into sarcasm, and diligence that doesn’t become perfectionism. I have observed many leaders who have fallen into the strengths/weaknesses trap. Having been praised and rewarded for demonstrating particular strengths throughout their careers, they become blind to the shadow sides of these strengths. Often, this blind spot can derail a career.
I was therefore very interested to read about some new research that delves into leaders’ dark sides. The researchers interviewed 18,000 U.K. leaders over a decade (1999 to 2009) to discover what derailed them under pressure. They identified 11 derailers — strengths which turned into flaws under pressure. These include shrewd-mistrustful; charming-manipulative; vivacious-dramatic; and diligent-perfectionist. These “Dark Side Characteristics” were present in 85 percent of the leaders surveyed, with 16 percent having three dark-side characteristics.
Interestingly, the most common dark side characteristic in the U.K. is dutiful-dependent, that is being too appeasing and accommodating when under pressure. Additionally, a quarter of U.K. leaders also tended to withdraw from difficult situations and become remote.
The implications of these findings are significant for companies battling with the uncertainties of the new economic era. Consider, for example, a company whose senior executive team is uniformly dutiful: what happens when they encounter a crisis or an all-powerful CEO drives their strategy in the wrong direction? Common sense dictates that they should meet the crisis head on or challenge the CEO, yet the research suggests they are more likely to jointly keep their heads down. This behaviour was revealed at the Royal Bank of Scotland as it came under severe pressure last year: it became apparent that the senior team had not properly challenged the strategy or called the CEO to account.
I am sure that we can all come up with examples of managers and leaders who are unaware of the shadow side of their enthusiasm (volatility), charm (manipulativeness) or focus, (passive aggression). All too often they are aware only of the positive effects of their personalities, screening out the negative impact on those surrounding them. If they remain impervious to feedback — or the organizational culture doesn’t support individual feedback — then senior leaders can be in serious danger of sabotaging their careers as well as their companies. A leader embarking on a senior role should remember that there are many things beyond his or her control that can derail them: they should not add their own blind spot to that list.
So what can organizations and individuals do?
1. Look out for potential derailers at the recruitment stage. Don’t be dazzled by outstanding performance in one area only to overlook a lack of basic competences in other areas. Tough, results-focused executives might be desirable, but these traits must be balanced with some understanding of how to manage people. Similarly, recognize that success in one company does not necessarily mean guaranteed success in another organizational culture.
2. Ensure that careers are managed in a sustainable way. Many organizations fast-track high fliers beyond their real capabilities, ignoring their limitations and flaws until they emerge in times of pressure. This can be highly damaging to the individual, team, and organization.
3. Use feedback and psychometric tests to raise awareness. Regular 360 feedback surveys can help executives and top teams (including the CEO) identify, understand, and analyze the real impact of their flaws. Psychometric tests such as the HDS can also help executives understand where the fault lines lie in their personalities. Using this information, they should work on a personal strategy to manage these flaws, either through coaching or training programmes.
4. Understand how traits vary across generations. The research found, for example, that members of Generation Y are more compliant and dutiful than other generations, which could make them reluctant to take decisions or challenge the status quo. Generation Xers, meanwhile, have more social skills, but can be perceived as being superficial or manipulative if they overplay their hands.
What are your thoughts on the dark side of leaders? Have you any further evidence or experiences of how strengths can turn into weaknesses? Do you have any experiences to share of derailers — your own or those of others? And have you come across any interesting ways to ensure that strengths are not overplayed?