On October 8, 2009

Surprise! Microsoft Security Essentials Doesn’t Suck

We love to rip on Microsoft as much as the next blog, but let’s face it: The company has been making all the right moves of late. (Okay, maybe not so much with the hilariously awful Windows 7 House Party video.) Witness Security Essentials, a new anti-virus utility that’s fast, effective, and free. When combined with the spyware-fighting Windows Defender (which is now baked into the OS) and the Windows Firewall (ditto), it provides nearly all the security most PC users need. You don’t have to take my word for it: Windows SuperSite’s Paul Thurrott calls Security Essentials “a near perfect security solution.” Meanwhile, check out PC World’s review, which concludes: “Microsoft Security Essentials got it exactly right.” What pleases…

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