The Skill that Matters Most

On September 13, 2011

The Skill that Matters Most

Self control is the ability to say no, in the face of temptation, and to take sustained action, despite the difficulty of a given challenge. At its heart, self-control requires the ability to delay gratification. More commonly, it's called discipline,…

On September 12, 2011

Are You Forgetting About Win-Win Situations?

I receive around 100 emails per day. Around 50% of those are people asking me to do something for them. Some want a product or service reviewed, some want feedback on their latest project, some want a question about blogging…

On September 12, 2011

Retirement Heist

Pabst Blue Ribbon has become a trendy beverage across the country. It has developed a blue collar, sub-culture friendly image. But while Pabst has been a huge part of Milwaukee’s history, its connections to the city today…

On September 12, 2011

The Good, Bad and Ugly of the Housing Market

The good news for home owners is that house prices have continued rising over the last few years. The bad is that sales are well down. The ugly is that the price bubble continues to inflate, even...

On September 12, 2011

Obama’s Fair Deal | BTalk

Tom Switzer says Barack Obama, with his American Jobs Act, is positioning himself to make 2012 a referendum on a "do nothing" congress.
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On September 12, 2011

Are Business Schools Creating Higher-Ambition Leaders?

For over 30 years I worked as a business school professor educating thousands of MBAs and executives. Even though I'm now retired from the faculty of Harvard Business School, I still have the opportunity as a consultant to learn from…

On September 12, 2011

Nobody Wants to Buy from a “Trusted Adviser”

B2B customers don't want somebody to give them advice or a consultation. They want you to own a piece of their business model and make certain it happens on time and on budget.
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On September 12, 2011

Congress Gives US Patent Process Extreme Makeover

After six years of debate over patent reform, the U.S. Senate last week overwhelmingly approved the America Invents Act, a sweeping overhaul of the U.S. patent system that intends to weed out unnecessary patents and put the