New Yammer Plug-Ins for Business

On August 25, 2011

New Yammer Plug-Ins for Business

Collaboration tool Yammer has announced Yammer Connect, a suite of plug-ins that let you integrate Yammer’s capabilities into other business applications.

One of the first plug-ins available, Yammer Embed, delivers realtime Yammer feeds to the company intranet, CRM tools,…

On August 25, 2011

Steve’s Seven Insights for 21st Century Capitalists

Herewith, without further ado, a minor eulogy for Steve Jobs the CEO. When you look at the global economy today, here's what might strike you: Apple is an organization almost singularly unlike the massed hordes and would-be contenders to the…

On August 25, 2011

Your Target Audience Is NOT Generic

There’s a mindset among many business owners that they need to be on social media. Specifically, they need to be on Facebook; or Twitter; or LinkedIn; or have a blog; or look ahead to business options on Google Plus.


On August 25, 2011

Time to Buy Apple

For the second time, Steve Jobs will move away from running the company he cofounded, Apple. If history is any judge, this won't go well for the company. But there are lots of reasons to think history will be a…

On August 25, 2011

Why Control Freaks Are Natural Leaders

You may work for one, live with one, or be one, but chances are you don't know the business world's best-kept secret: that control freaks are natural leaders. Here's why.
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