4 Top Customer Service Tips For Small Business

On August 17, 2011

The E-Shopping Fun Factor

Consumers are savvier than ever. They're also much less likely to be swayed by traditional, in-your-face advertising and commercials. They want, instead, to be entertained and engaged by marketers. In short, consumers just want to have fun.

On August 17, 2011

Is Apple Brewing an iPhone Oktoberfest?

Apple has seen a record number of iPhone sales this year, and the company shows no signs of putting on the brakes -- it allegedly just upped its order of handset units from 50 million to 56

On August 17, 2011

Who Will Be the Next CRM Idol?

The CRM Idol competition starts this week. If you aren't aware, here's the basic rundown. It's the brainchild of Paul Greenberg, who is no stranger to the speaking circuit and a believer in making CRM entertaining. Idol,

On August 17, 2011

MDM and the Next-Gen Green Data Center

Does "green data center" refer to having more greenery around your data center site? No, definitely not. It means reducing your carbon footprint by making effective usage of the core center of your organization -- your "information