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On August 11, 2011

The Rise of Hip Hop’s Entrepreneur-in-Chief

In about 10 years rapper Jay-Z went from selling drugs on the streets of Brooklyn to running multi-million-dollar enterprises. A new book examines the business strategies that fuelled his rise.
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On August 11, 2011

Groupon’s Growing Pains

Two summers ago Groupon had 37 employees. Now it has just under 10,000. There's rapid growth, and then there's Groupon. So, is this a good thing?

Groupon announced its second-quarter results this week and the numbers just make you dizzy when…

On August 11, 2011

What We Need Now

I can't ever remember living through such poisonously polarized times: the left and the right, immigrants and their antagonists, warring religions, and perhaps above all, the haves, who have ever more, and the have nots, who have ever less. …

On August 11, 2011

AT&T’s Runaway Growth Days May Be Numbered

Did AT&T just get chink in its armor? Something curious and interesting may be happening at the phone giant. Its growth seems to be slowing, according to the latest quarterly results. I watched Verizon for something similar

On August 11, 2011

What Happens When Apple’s Rules Stop Making Sense

For some businesses, Apple's App Store rules just don't make business sense. In fact, in some situations, some businesses that play by Apple's rules can delight their customers and yet end up losing more money than before

On August 11, 2011

What Customers Expect: To Get Value and Be Valued

At CRM Evolution, Brian Vellmure, founder of Initium Technology, gave a talk on the future of customer relationships. He peered well into the future, envisioning an era when the Internet anticipates customer needs and delivers advice automatically.