4 Public Speaking Tips You’ve Never Heard Before

On August 10, 2011

Apple’s Mounting Trademark Challenges

Apple's brand name is currently the most valuable name in the world. Google held that title for the last four years, and now Apple has finally surpassed it. The top 10 are all very familiar names: Apple,

On August 10, 2011

Apple Beats the World

The financial world was whipped into a frenzy this week following Standard and Poor's decision to downgrade the United States' credit rating, and Apple investors have been taken for a wild ride. After the country watched markets

On August 10, 2011

On the Prowl for Thought Leadership

Maybe I'll take some heat for this, but I am trying to live by Don Tapscott's and Anthony Williams' ideas, especially concerning transparency. Let me digress already. Tapscott and Williams wrote a very good book called Wikinomics

On August 10, 2011

FCC May Thwart AT&T’s Expansion Ambitions

With one brief letter, the Federal Communications Commission has put a stop to any hopes that two pending AT&T deals -- its $1.9 billion purchase of spectrum licenses from Qualcomm and its proposed acquisition of T-Mobile from