SAP Board Turns CEO into Scapegoat, Fires Him, Keeps Old Strategy

On February 8, 2010

Only Certain Types of Christian Ads Welcome in Super Bowl

The general reaction to Focus on the Family's Super Bowl ad, starring college quarterback Tim Tebow, seems to be, "What was all the fuss about?" The ad (video below) featured Tebow for only a few seconds and contained no overt

On February 8, 2010

Thanks for the Bonus — I Quit!

A bonus check may satisfy a worker's financial needs, but not psychological ones. 20 seconds a week can help you soothe both, and retain more employees.
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On February 8, 2010

Japan To Add To Fighter Contests

With the declinining domestic markets for modern fighter aircraft American and European companies are looking overseas for orders. Currently both India and Brazil have major contracts outstanding. Now word is coming out that Japan may be considering a buy of

On February 8, 2010

Does Taking a Temp Job Hurt Your Future Earnings?

If you're out of work and your savings are bleeding away, taking a temporary gig may seem like a financial reprieve and a good first step towards getting your mojo back. But that temp job might also have unexpected repercussions.

On February 8, 2010

Ripping the Wrong Page From Apple’s E-Playbook

On January 20, a major speech took place: No, it was not the State of the Union address, but Steve Jobs' announcement of the release of the iPad. The iPad has already started to change the landscape

On February 8, 2010

Weekend Round-Up, February 8, 2010

The Observer Branson predicts an oil crisis by 2015 Virgin boss Sir Richard Branson has warned UK ministers to act now or face a 'peak oil' crisis in as little as five years. "Don't let the oil crunch catch us