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On February 6, 2010

Life (Settlements) Isn’t Good for Goldman Sachs

No one ever accused Goldman Sachs of being politically correct, but the constant media barrage seems to have taken its toll. Chairman and CEO Lloyd Blankfein will take a mere $9 million bonus for 2009 ... in stock yet, and

On February 6, 2010

how to add cost of item sold


First time setup. Nice to get handle on what Ebay and PayPal charged me, but how do I enter in the cost of goods sold?

Or if I am buying my…

On February 6, 2010

State tax

Will the state tax I collect from my clients be transfered into outright? If so, how will it be filed/ If not, what is the best way for me to find that info in e-bay other than looking at every…