Haitian Relief Text Donations a Glimpse of Micropayment World

On January 16, 2010


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On January 16, 2010

What happens to my DBA when I move?

What happens if I move (same state) and had a previously established DBA at my previous address? Do I need to complete re-file a new DBA? Do I just change file some sort of address change form?

On January 16, 2010

Post-KQED, Hellman Non-Profit Venture Plans to Tap Frazier, Weber

The CEO and editor of a new non-profit local news organization to be funded by billionaire Warren Hellman are Lisa Frazier and Jonathan Weber, according to sources close to the struggling project, which has lost public broadcasting's KQED as its major media partner.

On January 16, 2010

IRS Promises Speedy Refunds to E-Filers

Want a quick tax refund? File your federal return online and have the refund deposited directly into your bank account. The Internal Revenue Service launched its online filing system Friday with a promise that people who do their taxes electronically will get refunds in as few as 10 days.

On January 15, 2010

So long, Partner! Ideas on how to dissolve an unsuccessful partnership

Whether formal or informal, partnerships—both platonic and business—don’t always work out in the long run. Oftentimes, even the best laid intentions end in one person feeling overworked, under-appreciated, and slighted in some way. As do-it-ourselves types, entrepreneurs are poised to meet the full range of individuals; from the ride-or-die strong-willed ones who mean what they say [...]

On January 15, 2010

Deutsche Bank: Climate Change Is an Investor’s Dream — If the Government Mandates It

The United Nations climate change talks in Copenhagen were a huge disappoint for just about everyone, except maybe Deutsche Bank, which is taking a glass half-full view despite the lack of a legally binding agreement of even a global emission reductions target. Their message: Invest in climate change. With one caveat: Government mandates and policies rather than carbon markets will be the key catalysts to growth in the climate change sector. Which is the exact opposite message coming from many high-carbon emitting companies. The Deutsche Bank 2010 Investing in Climate Change report coincided with a one-day Investor Summit on Climate Risk at the U.N., which also took a hopeful view of a burgeoning clean-energy economy. But again it all hinges -- in...