Sony Delays PlayStation Vita, But It’s Not Curtains for the Handheld

On August 5, 2011

Friday Links

? Portfolio Publisher Adrian Zackheim wrote a great piece about The Myth of Self-Publishing this week. As I wrote in last week’s links, referencing the same Alina Tugend article* Zachheim points to in this post, the quantity…

On August 5, 2011

Small Biz Resource Tip: Boxwire


You want to know what customers think of your service, and customers want to tell you—especially if they’ve received outstanding (or horrible) treatment. Boxwire is an online suggestion box for service-oriented businesses that allows anonymous feedback from customers or…

On August 5, 2011

Crack the Hidden Job Market

I often hear British graduates expressing something like a physical revulsion at the idea that they might have to network their way into a job. The UK recently had a minor scandal about the fact that young people…

On August 5, 2011

Is Marketing Dead?

I’m troubled. Some of the smartest, most successful people I know say marketing is dead. It doesn’t matter, they say. It’s a waste of time. Instead…

… just build

On August 5, 2011

4 Business Trends That Aren’t Passing Fads

According to one author, these changes in how we work aren't the business equivalent of acid wash jeans, but rather fundamental shifts in the culture of work. Do you agree?
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On August 5, 2011

WebMD CEO Accused of Hiding Ad Losses From Investors

The suit relies on the timing of statements CEO Wayne Gattinella made about WebMD's projected ad revenue in May, which were followed by a reduction in revenue guidance for 2011 in July.
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