GM’s Whitacre: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

On December 9, 2009

Social Message Control – Is It Possible?

If Blog posts are a large part of your search engine positioning and or lead generation strategy, this post will help you gain control of what gets published while opening up the process to all your employees.

On December 9, 2009

Change In Federal Procurement Rules Causes Company To Dump Subsidiary

McDermott International has decided to spin off its nuclear engineering and power plant arm B&W. This is being done to a change in U.S. Government procurement rules limiting contracts with "inverted corporations". These are companies that incorporate overseas to limit their tax liability on foriegn income.

On December 8, 2009

The Mind and its Potential – Conference Review

Last week I spent 2.5 days along with at least 3,000 other participants at a conference titled "Mind and its Potential". Topping the list of speakers was the Dalai Lama but there were some other heavy hitters there including Dr. Martin Seligman, Paul Ekman, and the Baroness Susan Greenfield. Over the next couple of weeks I will provide some comments about the more interesting speakers. The Dalai Lama This was the first time I have ever seen him in person. We had to spend an hour going through security and I must confess that while waiting I started to wonder that if you are firm believer in re-incarnation (which the Dalai Lama freely admitted during his time on stage) then...

On December 8, 2009

Going Bananas About Banking

Even with the "simplified" video explanation Westpac bank has gone to the trouble of creating, I still don't get it.

On December 8, 2009

Copenhagen Day 2: It’s Gettin’ Hot In Here and A Leaked Draft Divides

In keeping with BNET Energy's linkapalooza of the Copenhagen climate change conference, check out multitude of press coverage below. But first: in a development that promises to throw a wrench in negotiations, a document leaked at COP15 summit exposes a division between industrialized and developing countries over a new climate deal. A draft text proposed by the Danish host government made its way into the hands of, well, everyone, and put the entire conference in "disarray, The Guardian first reported. Folks are not happy. Campaigners say the draft text would hurt poorer nations, according to a BBC report. The draft has created a stir among the thousands of observers and representatives, especially those from smaller nations. One of the bigger sticking points?...