Promotions You Can Use This Christmas Season

On December 3, 2009

Promotions You Can Use This Christmas Season

Did you realize that Christmas is almost here… just walk to your local mall and everything is a buzz.  Recently my husband and I had to make a trip to the mall to get some items the kids needed for school, I was surprised to see Walmart open for 24 hours already! I thought they [...]

On December 3, 2009

Survey Yields Positive Info On Product Updates, Profits

The recession apparently hasn't cut so deep as to completely eliminate research and development budgets.  The FSB-ICM "Voice of Small Business" Annual Survey 2009 has indicated that lots of small businesses are managing to introduce new (or at least improved) products.

read more

On December 3, 2009

Is now a good time to incorporate my small business?

There are some significant tax advantages to selling an incorporated small business. If you own stock in a “Qualified Small Business” or Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS), under current tax law, 50% of the gain from selling that stock is excluded from calculating taxes and, the maximum rate of tax is limited to 28%. [...]

On December 3, 2009

Top 10 Holiday Gifts for a Technician

If you’re familiar with E-Myth, you already know a bit about what we affectionately refer to as “the EMT,” or the three roles every small business owner plays: the Entrepreneur, the Manager, and the Technician. Defining the business is entrepreneurial work, doing the hands-on work is technical work, and managerial work is the bridge between the two. To create and maintain a successful business requires the contributions of all three roles.

It is, however, the Technician who usually dominates a business owner’s personality. The Technician is the doer, the producer, and the “tinkerer.” The Technician is the one who gets the work done. Chances are good that if you’re a business owner, you can relate to this role; it’s where most of our clients live when they join one of our coaching programs.

If you’re a Technician, or you know somebody who is, never fear: this holiday list is just for you. These suggestions come straight from E-Myth Business Coaches who work with clients like you every day. Whether you’re buying for that Technician on your list, or you need to leave some suggestions for Santa, a gift from this list is sure to make the new year a little brighter.  

The Top 10 Gifts for for the Technician on Your List

10. StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath

This book helps you discover your strengths and how to use and improve them. It also includes access to a personalized assessment and 50 ideas for action based on your specific results. Available online here.

9. Managing By The Numbers: A Complete Guide To Understanding And Using Your Company's Financials by Chuck Kremer, Ron Rizzuto, John Case

This “self-help guide to the ins and outs of corporate finance” will improve your financial literacy and your basic financial management skills. Available online here.

8. Plants by Mother Nature

Wait. Did we just say plants? Why, yes we did! Interior designers and architects know that plants can have a huge impact on the overall “flow” of a building. The same holds true for your office. Not only will greenery improve the look (and likely mood) of your team, studies by NASA have shown that some interior plants act as natural air filters removing dangerous volatile organic chemicals (or VOCs) from the air. Read more.

7. The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss

Ready to think differently about time management? This book by our friend Tim Ferriss is a popular one with our clients and coaches alike. Available online here.

6. PlanPlus™ Online by Franklin Covey

A powerful, web-based Organizer and CRM that helps you manage tasks and projects based upon your overall mission, values and goals.
Learn more.

5. Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not!by Robert T. Kiyosaki

A philosophy and Point of View that aligns with the work we do at E-Myth, this is a book that should be a part of everybody’s library. A great gift for the young entrepreneurs on your list too!
Available online here.

4. A Strategic Day

For a "technician addict" sometimes the best thing is to remove yourself completely from the office. Why not check into a local hotel for the day and get away from your business to work on your business. No distractions, no routine... Just you and the strategic work that deserves your attention.

Need help letting go? Join E-Myth for a two-day Leadership Intensive Seminar, we'll get that Technician in you working strategically.

A strategic day

3. iPhone or Blackberry®

Today your mobile phone can do darn near anything except maybe pick up your dry cleaning (and they’re probably working on an “app” for that). But for the busy business owner a state-of-the-art phone gives you freedom to be a leader from a distance… and that’s a good thing.

2. Three Hats

Yes, hats. This is a great way to recognize and manage your three business personalities. Buy three distinctively different hats (a baseball cap, a sombrero and a sailor’s cap; or a top hat, a beret, and a ski beanie), one for each role. Any three hats will do. Then, wear each hat throughout your day to help you realize when you are being the Entrepreneur, the Manager, or the Technician. This simple trick will be informative for you, and entertaining for your team

1.The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

You didn't think we'd forget our own book did you? Admittedly, we're a little biased on this one. But the book remains on the business bestseller list more than a decade after publishing and experts like Dave Ramsey, Robert Kiyoskai, Tim Ferriss and Jack Canfield all recommend it, so we're not alone when we say this is one for the library. Inspired by our work with business owners just like you, this book will introduce you (or that Technician on your list) to the E-Myth Point of View. Read the first chapter here or buy the book directly from us.

Share Your Story

What gifts would you add to our list? Did you get a special something that helped you move past the mindset of the Technician? Post a comment and share with the E-Myth community.

On December 3, 2009

Help Wanted, Part 1: Is it Time to Hire an Employee?

You’re overwhelmed. The work is rolling in, your spouse and kids mistook you for a burglar the last time you actually showed up at home, and you’ve decided you can sleep when you’re dead. Maybe its time for a little relief. Should that relief come in the form of a new employee? Here are a [...]

On December 3, 2009

Email Newsletter Design Guide

Ready to start sending your email newsletter but not sure how it should look? Use this email newsletter design guide to get started.

On December 3, 2009

7 Tips for Money-Making Postcards

Retailers know that postcards get read. But you don't have to be a retailer to put these easy-to-produce, low cost self-mailers to work. Here are seven tips you can use to create a money making postcard.

On December 3, 2009

Disaster Protection: The Need for Small Business Continuity

The concept of planning for disasters, whether they are man-made or natural, just doesn't come that high up on the radar during normal small business operations. But if a disaster strikes, your small business is much more likely to survive if you have an emergency preparedness plan in place.

On December 3, 2009

Miss Universe on Women in the Workplace

I spend a lot of time thinking about running my business, VerticalResponse as a CEO, but not a ton of time thinking about running it as a woman CEO. But every now and then, I run across something that really inspires me to write an article about being a woman in business.

This time my inspiration came from the 2009 Ms. Universe Pageant--especially the Q&A portion. I like to know what these young, beautiful international women are thinking on a plethora of topics. Up came Ms. Venezuela’s turn. She was asked: “In many parts of the world, obstacles still exist that impede women from achieving their goals in some corporations. What can women do to overcome this?” Her reply? “I do believe that we have reached the same level that men have. We must realize that there are no longer any barriers amongst us.”

Hey, that’s a positive outlook but a bit naïve.

Maybe Ms. Venezuela read the The Shriver Report that stated women are half of all U.S. workers and mothers are the primary breadwinners or co-breadwinners in nearly two-thirds of American families. And although I applaud Ms. Shriver for taking a deep dive into this issue, it seems like women have to work harder to make as much as men. It’s proven by Obama’s first piece of real legislation, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 ensuring that women that do the same job as men should get equal pay.

But I’m sure Ms. V. missed the Top Chef episodes where contestant Michael Isabella tossed around phrases like, “There’s no way a girl should be at the same [clam shucking] level as me,” and “That’s one less old lady I have to worry about.” (He was talking about a woman contestant who was 43 that was booted). Personally I think he’s got an issue with his last name being a woman’s first name, but that’s my opinion.

Ms. Venezuela definitely didn’t catch these stats either:

  • Only 13 percent of the Inc. 5000 list this year was made up of women.
  • Of the Forbes 67 Most Powerful People, just three are women.
  • In 2009 there are only 4 women governors.
  • Fifteen Fortune 500 companies are run by women, which is up an astonishing three from last year.
  • Another breakthrough for women this year? Ursula Burns is the first black women to be appointed to top post of a Fortune 500 company, Xerox.

I’m sure Ms. Venezuela hasn’t experienced situations like this: I once worked with a man who was at the same level in a technology company as I was, a VP. In a company re-org he was put on my team and reported to me. “Do you know how this is going to look?” he said to me one day. For the first time I felt the gender gap hitting close to home. I told him he could concoct whatever story he needed to make him look better and save his male ego.

So what do we need to do to make it better for women? As I’ve heard Suze Orman say, often times we get in our own way. We don’t go for it like men do, and I tend to agree. Maybe it’s because we don’t feel like we’re as deserving and as a result get passed over by men. Some of it is our own fault. Women need to step it up because we won’t get what we don’t ask for. Hell, my dad wouldn’t let me ride the lawn mower when I was a kid because it wasn’t a “girl’s” job. Then when he wasn’t well enough to do it anymore he had no choice but to “let” me do it. I sure wish he were alive to see me today.