Small Biz Resource Tip: Code Canyon

On August 4, 2011

Small Biz Resource Tip: Code Canyon

Code Canyon

Created for one of the most-used Web publishing and CMS systems, Code Canyon offers a library of premium WordPress scripts and plugins that allow you to do more things with WordPress. Continuously adding new plugins, Code Canyon can…

On August 4, 2011

Q&A: Two Many Owners in the Kitchen

Here’s the question:

Our company has multiple founders – any advice on how to best run a company with so many chefs in the kitchen?

And here’s my answer:…

On August 4, 2011

Taking a Risk Is Not Immoral

Innovation, or at least talking about innovation, is all the rage these days, especially when it comes to addressing great social problems. But in order to innovate, you have to risk something. As in risk losing something. Usually money. Possibly…

On August 4, 2011

The First Requirement for Becoming a Great Boss

Among the many requirements placed on those who take responsibility for the performance of others, there is one that is rarely mentioned. Yet, ironically, it may be the most important because so much else depends on it.

That fundamental…

On August 4, 2011

When Does Sex Count as a Work-Related Injury?

Apparently when it occurs on a business trip.

An Australian public servant is suing her employer for compensation after being injured while having sex during a business trip.

She works for ComCare, the Australian government’s—wait for it—workplace safety organization. During sex…