High Court Hears ‘Case of the Century’

On November 10, 2009

High Court Hears ‘Case of the Century’

The Supreme Court on Monday heard arguments in Bilski v. Kappos, a case that has been making its way through the legal system for more than 10 years -- and along the way has morphed into the software industry's worst nightmare. "It's been called 'the case of the century,' and to a large extent I have to agree," said John Squires, an attorney with Chadbourne & Parke.

On November 10, 2009

Optimism Index Gains A Little More Ground

The National Federation of Independent Business Index of Small Business Optimism isn't exactly imitating a rocket; we're not yet near 100 (which represents 1986 levels of optimism), or even back at the significant 90.0-mark.  Still, it gained 0.3 points in October, and every improvement counts.

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On November 10, 2009

Judge Gives Google an Extension on Its Book Report

A judge has given Google more time to revise a legal settlement that has drawn government scrutiny because it would give the Internet search leader the digital rights to millions of out-of-print books. Under a change approved Monday, Google and groups representing U.S. authors and publishers now have until Friday to change an agreement reached more than a year ago.

On November 10, 2009

Google’s AdMob Move: Breaking Away From the Pack?

Google is buying mobile advertising network AdMob for $750 million, underscoring the Internet search leader's determination to ensure its marketing machine reaches the growing number of people surfing the Web on phones. The all-stock deal announced Monday also represents the latest sign that Google's leaders are feeling better about the economy's direction.

On November 10, 2009

Congratulations from Around the World

Words of congratulation on this 15th year of Web Marketing Today have come from around the world. Here are just a few of these generous comments. It's gratifying to see how WMT has touched people's lives.

On November 10, 2009

What Purple Rain Can Teach You About Effective Online Marketing

Purple Rain

Ever had an idea that couldn’t miss?

You took immediate action, created the perfect warm-up content, the best launch strategy, and the perfect offer . . . .

And then it totally failed.

So yeah, the film Purple Rain contains the consummate lesson on this one.

No, really.

The Lesson of Lake Minnetonka

Upon mature reflection, the album Purple Rain is a work of genius, while the film . . . not so much. But any true Prince fan loves it anyway.

And as a teenage boy in 1985, the fact that a diminutive man sporting a jerry curl and a ruffled shirt could score with gorgeous women was rather encouraging, you know?

One memorable scene involves Prince giving bombshell Appolonia Kotero a motorcycle ride through rural Minnesota. As he pulls up to the shoreline, Prince lets her know she has to prove herself.

“You have to purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka,” Prince says mysteriously. Then he says it again.

Next, fulfilling every teenage boy’s as yet unimagined wish, Appolonia strips down to her thong and jumps in the lake.

The freezing water provides an immediate shock. But the cruel surprise comes from a half-apologetic Prince.

“That ain’t Lake Minnetonka.”

Did You Jump in the Wrong Lake?

Often, you do everything right, except for the first thing.

You start with an otherwise great product and mistakenly try to sell it to the wrong people.

This isn’t always fatal, but it’s definitely frustrating. And it’s because you focused on what you want rather than who you’re trying to serve. You jumped right in without understanding all the critical facts.

While it may sound a bit kumbaya, understanding who you can help helps you. It’s the key to the kind of outstanding success that alludes those who don’t understand why the take, take, take strategy doesn’t work.

It’s really give, give, give to win. But only if you give the right things to the right people.

Missing the true needs and desires of your market is like jumping in the wrong lake.

You simply end up like Appolonia -- cold, wet, and disappointed.

Start With the People, Not the Product

So where do online marketers go wrong?

There's an old saying . . . start with the prospect, not the product. It keeps you from trying to sell stuff to the wrong people.

Even better, it keeps you from selling stuff nobody wants.

That truly unfortunate event happens when someone has an idea they think, for example, every small business owner should embrace. But it isn't something the small business market wants to embrace.

It's like trying to sell asparagus to kids because it's good for them. If you're competing against the jingle of the ice cream truck down the street, you’re not likely to get the results you want, because there's simply no market for your offer.

In this sad case, the analogy is more Matrix than Purple Rain:

Do not think that the lake is cold . . . that’s impossible.

The truth is, there is no lake.


It’s About Them, Silly

You’ve heard it all before. But do you get it?

Wealthy entrepreneurs are essentially highly-compensated servants to their chosen market. And yet the benefits are way better than the numerable perks Alfred gets from the bat cave.

Wow, three film references in one post . . . did it work?

If you're trying to make a match between your market and the right offer, subscribe to Copyblogger's free newsletter on Internet Marketing. It starts with a 20-lesson tutorial on the four keys to building a sustainable business (one of which is finding the right product or service for your people).

About the Author: Brian Clark is founder of Copyblogger and co-founder of DIY Themes, creator of the innovative Thesis Theme for WordPress. Get more from Brian on Twitter.

On November 10, 2009

5 Entrepreneurship Basics B-Schools Can Teach

I’ve been asked a lot lately about business schools and entrepreneurship, which is why I did this post, last Friday, about one thing wrong in that area; and then this one yesterday, on whether business schools can teach entrepreneurship. That’s become a very interesting discussion. I expect to post on it again, if only just to [...]

On November 10, 2009

How Etailers Can Take On the Whole World

The majority of global markets are growing significantly faster than the United States. Bill Gates has even stated that in the 21st century, a business must use e-commerce to survive. In this economy, thinking outside the proverbial box and expanding a company without taking on significant overhead or structural changes means selling beyond geographic borders.

On November 10, 2009

Mobile CRM User, Know Thyself

With the proliferation of smartphones and similar handheld devices, it only makes sense that data -- especially customer data -- is following these devices into the field. The scenarios in which sales and field service people can use the data collected by CRM are many and, in a lot of cases, obvious. However, there are also many ways for CRM to go into the field.

On November 9, 2009

Is Your Small Business Ready for the Holidays?

With the holidays coming up, even the most dedicated small business owner is likely thinking about taking a break. But, if like many unintentional entrepreneurs, you are a one-man-band, you likely can’t imagine working anything less than a 60 hour week. Plus, if you run a holiday-themed business, a story that sells gift items, or [...]