The Future

On November 6, 2009

The Future

“The future you shall know when it has come; before then, forget it.” –Aeschylus

On November 6, 2009

Windows 7 Flies Off the Shelves

Sales of Microsoft's Windows 7 boxed software over the first three days of its release have vastly surpassed those of its predecessor, Vista, for the same time period, according new figures from the NPD Group. Specifically, NPD's weekly tracking service is reporting that Windows 7 software sales in the U.S. were 234 percent higher for those three days, compared with Vista's sales.

On November 6, 2009

Lee Eisenberg’s Shoptimism (and 50% off of The Number)

One of the books we really tried to get people to read in 2006 was Lee Eisenberg’s The Number: A Completely Different Way to Think about the Rest of Your Life, published by Simon & Schuster imprint Free Press. We were huge evangelists of the book, constantly blogging and telling everyone we could about it. [...]

On November 6, 2009

EVs Need to be Sexy and Sell the Sizzle, says Merrill Lynch

Electric cars and plug-in hybrids will need to sizzle to succeed, says Merrill Lynch. Sometimes it's the intangibles--like leather seats or a nicely designed rear fender--that determine the cars people buy. The good news is that many players, especially smaller companies such as Tesla and Fisker, recognize that.

On November 6, 2009

Record-Shattering Opening Expected for Video War Game

This holiday season's biggest entertainment blockbuster likely will be a sequel to a popular franchise, with jarring depictions of war and an intricate story of good versus evil. It could easily rake in more than last year's record $155 million opening weekend for "The Dark Knight." But this blockbuster is not a movie. It is "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2," a video game.

On November 6, 2009

Cisco Forecast Suggests Tempered Optimism for Tech Sector

Cisco Systems doesn't want Wall Street to interpret its forecast for its first quarterly revenue growth in a year as evidence that the U.S. and other economies are roaring back. A slow improvement in orders is under way, but the pace is still slow and the recovery is fragile, executives told analysts Wednesday.

On November 6, 2009

Why Social Media Is Vital to Corporate Social Responsibility

Melissa Jun Rowley is a freelance entertainment correspondent for CNN, a writer for Causecast, and producer for “That Morning Show” on E! Entertainment. She is @MelissaRowley on Twitter and blogs at A cultural and corporate shift is taking place in the world. The result of things like the current economic climate and recognition of [...]

On November 6, 2009

Your Site, Others’ Misbehavior: The Two U.S. Safe Harbor Laws

This is a post by guest blogger Jonathan I. Ezor.

jonathan_ezor.jpgOne of the most valuable features of the Web as a business medium is interactivity, the ability of a company to create a dialog with its customers (current and future) via the Web site. At the same time, though, a company may be concerned that users' actions on their site could expose the company to liability. Whether from defamatory statements about competitors or individuals on a Web site message board, inappropriate language or suggestions in a chat area meant for minors, or copyrighted material posted without permission to the comment area of a blog, users' interactions could lead to legal risk for the site owner, whether or not it knew or approved of the improper postings or actions.

Early in the development of the commercial Web, there were a number of lawsuits brought against Web site owners and service providers, seeking to hold them liable for actions of users. The courts, faced with situations that had no real-world analogues, decided these cases in a variety of ways, which left the hosting businesses in a position of not knowing whether they would be better off editing every post or leaving their sites completely unpoliced.

After a particularly troubling decision holding online service provider Prodigy liable for an anonymous and allegedly defamatory posting in its Money Talk message board, Congress finally decided to act, understanding that the lack of clarity and risk of liability could seriously impede the development of the Internet as a business and communications medium. The result has been two major "safe harbor" laws, the general safe harbor for content liability in
47 U.S. Code Section 230
(passed as part of the otherwise-unconstitutional Communications Decency Act of 1996), and 17 U.S. Code Section 512(c), a specific safe harbor for copyright infringement enacted as part of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998.

The two laws, though, are sharply different not only in what they cover, but in the requirements they place on companies seeking to take advantage of them.

On November 6, 2009

Small Businesses Continuing To Trim Jobs

New statistics regarding the U.S. unemployment rate are not at all good; in short, they express that it's at a 26-year high, hitting 10.2 percent in October.  And the latest data regarding small business jobs isn't so great, either, as it looks like positions will continue to be cut for a while.

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