On October 6, 2009
Ellen Tracy Finds a Safe Harbor at Macy’s
One thing you can say about the recession is that it has prompted the people behind designer labels to become more egalitarian. Take Ellen Tracy. The brand used to stake out its ground exclusively at higher end department stores, but now the folks who control it have inked a deal with mid-level Macy’s for an exclusive sportswear line. The roots of the deal go back to April of last year when Windsong Brands LLC and investment firm Hilco Consumer Capital, with others, formed a company called Fashionology Group to squire the Ellen Tracy brand from Liz Claiborne. At the same time, Fashionology acquired other assets from Hilco including the Caribbean Joe label. Then the parties formed Brand Matters to manage,...
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On October 5, 2009
Blogging’s 11 Big Payoffs
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In last week's article I discussed what a blog actually is and its relationship to both your business and to your regular Web site if you have one.
The purpose of blogging in general, is usually to establish and/or support an existing brand with an understanding of how that brand generates revenue.
This week, as promised, I'm getting into the real payoffs. Why does it make sense to spend hours of time each month, writing content, then giving it away for free and if that's not enough, even more hours marketing that free content to make sure people will know it's there?
Here's what makes that multi-hour investment worth it.
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I loved this advice from Oliver Vass on LinkedIn who according to his title, is not a marketing industry professional, but a customer and business owner.
In my village there are two shops that sell newspapers and sweeties for the children.
I use Gordon's shop. Why? Because when I go there he chats with us, he tells us what's happening in his shop, his life and the village. He doesn't push products or sell to us. He just makes us feel welcome and keeps us in touch.
The other shop waits until I've made my choice of purchase, then takes my money and thanks me politely.
That's how business blogging helps a business. Engagement. Making your customers feeling a part of your enterprise. It isn't to get people to buy more, that'll be seen through as marketing. It is to ensure that when people buy, they do it from you, not your competitor.
I found this so wonderfully put and direct (erudite even) I had to give kudos. Thank you Oliver.
By posting content on a regular and even reliable basis, your blog can not only have a huge impact on your efforts to establish your brand, it can make your relationship with your audience and customers far more intimate. In mature industries where products and services become almost commoditized, the difference between Company A and Company B may be entirely built upon this intimacy.
Search Engine Optimization
Because you are writing so much content on a (presumably) regular basis, your blog can be an excellent way to improve search engine rankings. Note if you want to leverage your blog to optimize a whole Web site you really need to have your blog integrated into your domain name – so that your blog and your non blog content are part of the same Web site. So that means if you're a consultant and you want your consulting company's Web site to show up higher in search results, having a blog at myconsultingcompany.wordpress.com just won't do it for you. Keep everything at myconsultingcompany.com -- install a copy of WordPress wherever you are hosting your existing site and build your blog, and your SEO rich content there.
Building Community
Related Articles by Maisha:To Blog or Not to BlogBuilding Your Tribe - 6 LinkedIn Success Studies (final/part 3) Building Your Tribe - 6 LinkedIn Success Studies (part 2) Small Business "Success Studies" Using LinkedIn
As I stated in an earlier post, every business needs a team or as Seth Godin would put it "a tribe". Being open with your content through a blog can help you establish one. When you share content you not only define your areas of expertise, you also create good will in addition to attracting relevant people to your brand. An added benefit is that simply showing that you have a community of people interested in your content can help that community itself grow in addition to growing your business.
Customer Research
The interaction you receive from your readers in the form of comments, feedback and emails is a great way to learn who your blog is attracting, but also what are your consumers interested in? What needs do they have and how can you meet them? What questions do they really need answered? Almost every company can do a better job of understanding the needs of its customers and a blog is an invitation for your readers (and customers) to help you do just that.
There's nothing like a blog to truly help people understand what it is that you do, what your area of expertise is, and that you are, in fact, an expert or highly knowledgeable. The simple fact of posting useful content, on a specific topic, that is of course also relevant to your target audience, and on a regular basis, will help people understand very specifically what you do, how you can help them and the depth of your abilities. One added benefit of this is that blogs force you as a writer to come face-to-face with what you do and do not know, and fill in any gaps in your knowledge. It can also help you to be able to articulate what you know (because you've spent so much time thinking about how to write it!). When I told my father that I would be writing this blog for Inc. and that my postings needed to be weekly, his response was "wow – do you really know that much to write about?" If I've managed to convince my dad I'm an expert, there really must be something to this blogging thing.
This morning I was on a live radio show sharing Internet Strategy tips for solo entrepreneurs with Ed Able the founder of Skillpreneur.com (I'll post the link to the podcast tomorrow -- subscribe here if you'd like me to email you when it's up). The focus of the show was "differentiation". How can you differentiate yourself from all those competitors out there? I think you know what I'm going to say. BLOG! While blogging isn't necessarily the solution to differentiation woes anymore (because, well, so many people are blogging) it is a way to broadcast your differentiators once you know what they are. Because the point of blogging is to blog regularly, one of the best things a blog can do for you is brand you. Branding has many benefits and getting the point across about what makes you different is one of them. Choose carefully what you decide to cover in your blog and/or how you decide to cover it – it can be a great way to help you separate yourself from the crowd which again will help both your business and your blog grow.
More to come! Next time I'll cover the last 5 -- but I'd love to see you beat me to it!
Tell me your blogging payoffs and I may feature you in an upcoming article. Post them below, connect with me on LinkedIn, or send them to @maishawalker on Twitter.
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Read Related Articles by Maisha:To Blog or Not to BlogBuilding Your Tribe - 6 LinkedIn Success Studies (final/part 3) Building Your Tribe - 6 LinkedIn Success Studies (part 2) Small Business "Success Studies" Using LinkedIn
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On October 5, 2009
Quova Geo-Locates Web Visitors Without Tracking Behavior
A recent national survey indicated that, by a large majority, Americans strongly object to behavioral targeting online. Which was good news for Quova, a company that provides geo-location data about IP addresses. Unlike behavioral targeting, which includes monitoring which web sites you've visited and even some of your offline activities, geo-coded targeting simply establishes where you are, within a range of 25-50 miles, given the current generation of technology. Quova, a ten-year-old privately held company has a very simple way of describing what it provides its clients. "We can tell you the geographic location of a Web site visitor. It is that simple," is the company's promise on its website. The chances are very high that whatever IP address you...
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On October 5, 2009
Hulu Ad Hunk Is Questionable
Sometimes I run across an analysis that leaves me scratching my head because someone has leaped off a data precipice without checking to see if there was a net below, or a bottomless pit. And that's what happened today when I looked at a Silicon Valley Insider take on Hulu's share of the video ad market.
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On October 5, 2009
Talecris IPO Gives Cerberus Much-Needed Happy Ending
The $950 million initial public offering priced by Talecris Biotherapeutics last week was good for a lot of people -- perhaps none more than private equity firm Cerberus Partners, which was desperately in need of a happy ending.
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On October 5, 2009
Energy BBDO CD Maintained Pro-Rio Site as Omnicom Shops Toiled for Chicago
Energy BBDO Chicago creative director Kevin Lynch maintained a satirical web site titled "Chicagoans for Rio" even though an Omnicom sister agency worked on Chicago's bid for the Olympics, according to Chicago Business. The site is currently down.
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On October 5, 2009
Are Nursing Homes Crying Wolf?
The nursing home industry is protesting Medicare cuts while a Medicare advocacy group accuses it of putting profits before patients.
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On October 5, 2009
Schering’s Say-on-Pay Survey Goes M.I.A.
Did Schering-Plough plan -- and then kill or delay -- a "say on pay" survey for its investors? That's one possibility raised by "Condor" at Shearlings Got Ploughed, the blog that obsessively examines goings-on at the company that's soon to be merged into Merck.
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On October 5, 2009
5 Often Overlooked Web Spaces For Presenting Marketing Messages
On any given web site (which includes all the processes that goes on behind the scenes), there are always pages that could be monetized or get a marketing message across. Very often, these are what I call utility pages. Stuff that aren’t part of your regular content like blog posts or product description pages, [...]
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On October 5, 2009
Five and Counting: Apple Quits Chamber of Commerce
Apple has turned in its membership card to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce -- effective immediately -- over the business lobbying group's opposition to the Environmental Protection's Agency effort to limit greenhouse gases. Apple's departure from the Chamber may not be as surprising as say, three utilities quitting the business lobby group in a week. After all, climate change guru and former vice president Al Gore sits on the Apple's board. The company also stepped up its effort to report all of the greenhouse gas emissions produced from manufacturing, shipping and use of its products by consumers. Still, Apple is the fifth company in recent weeks to leave the U.S. Chamber, all because of the organization's stance on climate change and its opposition...
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