Confusion Reigns and Fallout Widens in Massive Fake Drug Data Scandal

On August 1, 2011

Alternatives to eBay for Businesses

Many businesses would love to sell products online, but for one reason or another, do not wish to use eBay. Fortunately, there are many alternatives out there that can ensure rapid sales and are easy to use. The diversity of

On August 1, 2011

6 Ways to Supercharge Your Writing

image of superhero kid

Have you ever gotten so caught up in a deadline (or your own expectations) that writing anything at all felt … uncomfortable?

Too often as writers we measure ourselves by our level of productivity. We get so worried about…

On August 1, 2011

5 Steps to Starting Your Own Podcasting Show

5 stepsA medium once thought to be going the way of the dinosaur has skyrocketed back to relevancy and proliferation. Podcasting is becoming a popular – and potentially profitable – communication tool for marketers, entrepreneurs, and anyone else who has something…

On August 1, 2011

Integration, Rethought

Major trends around cloud, mobile and Software as a Service are dramatically changing the requirements and benefits of application integration. In many respects, the emphasis now on building hybrid business processes from a variety of far-flung sources

On August 1, 2011

CMOs, Analytics and the Great Revenue Chase

As companies head out into the brave new post-recession world, the top two goals for marketers are organic revenue growth and margin growth. To help achieve these objectives, marketing budgets grew by an average of 4 percent