A Roadmap to Winning That “Yes!”

On July 15, 2011

A Roadmap to Winning That “Yes!”

My friend (and frequent Sales Machine commentor) Neil Licht recently posted a comment that I think contains a very clear step-by-step roadmap for developing an initial B2B contact.  I've...
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On July 15, 2011

3 Ways to Self-Promote Without Feeling Smarmy

The ickiness factor of self-promotion can put career starters off selling themselves, but there are ways to self-promote without feeling like a jerk. Here are three.
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On July 15, 2011

Will Providing Employee Training Lead to Turnover?

 By Rieva Lesonsky

Many small business owners are reluctant to provide their employees with job training beyond the basics that are needed. Why? Because they’re worried that, after they invest a lot of money in training and educating an employee,…

On July 14, 2011

10 Start-up Incubators to Watch

Businesses that go through incubators historically have close to a 90 percent survival rate. And today, every major city has incubators focused on getting tech-savvy start-ups off the ground. We've pinpointed some of the…

On July 14, 2011

The Online Business Incubator

Wicked Start, an online incubator for early-stage start-ups, provides practical, no cost or low cost resources.

A self-described "corporate refugee turned entrepreneur," Bryan Janeczko worked at Morgan Stanley before founding his own venture, an online prepared food vendor called NuKitchen.…