QR Codes: A Marketing Tool for Your Business

On July 11, 2011

QR Codes: A Marketing Tool for Your Business

QR codes, those odd looking black and white squares that have been popping up everywhere from grocery store shelves to computer screens, are gaining popularity here in the US. Read this article to find out how you can use QR

On July 11, 2011

Social Media Marketing Mistakes

Social media is here to stay, so whether you've fully embraced it or have yet to give it a try, you need to know how to get the most out of it. Here are 12 social media marketing mistakes you

On July 11, 2011

In Praise of Going it Alone

Partner relentlessly, or do it yourself? New ventures face this question early on, whether they are housed inside big corporations or small start-ups. A lot of business literature advocates teaming up wherever possible to open the doors to new ideas,…

On July 11, 2011

Small Biz Resource Tip: SocialGO


Do you like using social media for your business, but want to make your social network exclusive to your business or your organization? SocialGO can help. Like your own personal Facebook, you can create a community where members can…

On July 11, 2011

To Lead is to Teach

Back in January, we were sent a manuscript for a new book in the Notes On Series created by Russell Reich. Jack wrote a JCS on the first book in the series, Notes on Directing, and…