Why Balancing Work and Family Is Easy for Some Men

On July 8, 2011

Help Us Defeat Breast Cancer

Brian Gardner walking the Komen 3-Day for the Cure

On August 5-7, fellow Copyblogger Media partner Brian Gardner (founder of StudioPress) and his wife Shelly will be walking 60 miles in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for The Cure in Chicago.

This is Brian’s tenth year walking,…

On July 8, 2011

10 Reasons Why We Love Top 10 Lists

They started with David Letterman, but our media-crazed, ADD, sound-bite culture eats them up. Top 10 reasons why we're nuts for Top 10 lists.
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On July 8, 2011

Turning Negative Customers Into Positive Ones

It happens to the best of us. Sometimes we fail a customer. We hate it, but no company is perfect. And with all of the social media platforms at the ready, the customer can get so angry they blog…

On July 8, 2011

Enchant Your Employees

Enchantment defines a relationship with employees that is deep, delightful, and long-lasting. If you can enchant your employees, they will work harder, longer, and smarter for you — and, ideally, you for them too. Here are the ten best ways…

On July 8, 2011

Is the Oil and Gas Industry Getting a Bad Rap?

I’ve been researching the oil and gas industry lately. This industry has a negative stigma attached to it as being very environmentally insensitive. Granted, oil spills and gas leaks aren’t helping the industry’s image. I do believe it is the…

On July 8, 2011

Google’s No Bellwether for Healthcare Cloud Services

Google's recent decision to abandon its Google Health program has raised new questions about how far the healthcare industry is willing to go down the cloud computing path. The reality is that Google's decision was not a