Leap Year, Episode 5: Nothing Personal

On July 4, 2011

Leap Year, Episode 5: Nothing Personal

Olivia tries to decide whether betraying her close friend, Aaron, is worth a potential boost to her personal business.

Olivia (Daniela DiIorio) tries to decide whether betraying her close friend, Aaron (Yuri Baranovsky) is worth a…

On July 4, 2011

After the Dot | BTalk

The naming convention for websites is about to change, with a thousand new first level domains enabling brands to replace .com with their own name.
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On July 4, 2011

Small Business And Accounting Software: The Benefits

Managing a small business is fraught with issues. There’s the going concern of financing growth, managing payroll, paying vendors and creditors, proper invoicing and bill payments, as well as the constant issues of managing cash flow. All of these can

On July 4, 2011

Small Biz Resource Tip: TechShop


If you’ve got the entrepreneurial bug, you’re most likely bursting with ideas for new products and services, but get stuck when trying to figure out how to make these brilliant ideas happen. Your first stop should be TechShop. Still…

On July 4, 2011

Celebrating Independence? Read the Document.

Today is Independence Day in the U.S.

This holiday is all about The Declaration of Independence, which was signed on this day in 1776 but a couple dozen or so very brave people who were prepared…

On July 4, 2011

The Writer’s Declaration of Independence

image of declaration of independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, but not all can write.

The course of recent technological events has made the separation of those who can write from their contracts, exploitations, and fears…

On July 4, 2011

Declaring Independence in the Workplace

On July 4, 1776, in a sweltering hall in Philadelphia, 56 men gathered to sign "the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America." Well, it's July again, and we think it's time for another kind of…

On July 4, 2011

Patent Reform Is Getting Closer

By Rieva Lesonsky

The U.S. patent system has been mired in problems for years, ranging from a huge backlog of unexamined applications (more than 700,000, according to CNNMoney.com) and a three-year wait to get approved (or denied) for a…