Gen Y Myth-Busting: Report Explodes Conventional Wisdom

On October 12, 2011

Stop Work! Take a Break

Brain plasticity expert, Dr Helena Popovic shares some great tips in this video interview on the topic of taking a break.
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On October 12, 2011

How to Lead In Your Market: The WOW Factor

If your market’s perception of what you sell – your service or product – is no different from others in your trading area, you sell a commodity.  And if that’s the perception, (so pervasive that even you accept it) you’re…

On October 12, 2011

Franchise Group Resists Union Rules

A major franchise group is speaking out against efforts to update union election rules, saying such a move could "effectively silence" employers during organizing drives by shortening the time between signature gathering and elections.No tags for this post.

On October 12, 2011

HP Teetering on PC Spinoff Gambit

Newly minted HP CEO Meg Whitman is rethinking the company's decision to spin off its PC division, the Wall Street Journal has reported. Fresh analyses apparently indicate the cost of a spinoff might outweigh its benefits. Separately,

On October 12, 2011

Four Strategy Gurus to Avoid

About a year ago I miscalculated — badly — on the Microsoft Kinect. In terms of speed of adoption, only Apple's iPad has rivaled the Kinect. Aside from some tough comments on my blog, the long-term repercussions were…