Why SEO in All the Right Places Doesn’t Cut It Anymore

On October 9, 2011

Your Brain’s New World | BTalk

Morris Miselowski looks into how products are being linked directly to our thoughts through brain machine interfaces. Where will it all end?
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On October 8, 2011

Oracle, Salesforce and the Brewing Cloud Wars

Ejected from Oracle's Open World. An impromptu gathering at a nearby restaurant. Fulsome explanations from PR flacks and tweets galore. The relations between Oracle CEO Larry Ellison and Salesforce.com chief Marc Benioff went from wary and grudging

On October 7, 2011

Friday Link

The world could really use more men like Amit Gupta. Amit is a starter. He was instrumental to the launch of ChangeThis, and is the brains and gumption behind both Photojojo and Jelly. …

On October 7, 2011

FCC Champing at Bit to Broaden High-Speed Internet Access

At least 18 million Americans have no access to broadband Internet connectivity, and the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission wants to do something about that. Julius Genachowski sketched out a proposal at the FCC offices Thursday