On October 13, 2009
Calling Tesla’s Repair Rangers: At-Home Service With a Geek Squad Smile
As big companies such as Best Buy start selling electric vehicles (EVs), attention will inevitably turn to customer service. Best Buy is selling Brammo electric motorcycles, Segways and plug-in scooters at a few stores in California, and that means the Geek Squad is empowered to fix them and respond to customers’ complaints. Writing in BusinessWeek, David Welch said that this is precisely the kind of service that small start-ups, including Tesla and Fisker, will not be able to provide. “Eventually Fisker will have about 100 stores nationally; Tesla has seven with a few more on the way,” the story says. “By contrast, Nissan, Toyota, Ford, and General Motors have thousands of dealers in multiple markets that will be able to…