E-Myth in a Tech Business
Wired.com’s “Marketing Guy” Jim Hopkinson takes a fresh and funny look at marketing trends for in the Epicenter blog, Wired’s technology business news blog. Today he posted an interview with entrepreneur Daniel Odio, co-founder and COO of PointAbout.com. Besides talking tech gadgets (it is Wired, after all), they explore what it means to be an entrepreneur in the tech world.
So if you want to become an entrepreneur, there’s a theory from the book “The E-Myth” which basically says, the baker should not be running the bakery. What they mean by that is, people think, for example, ‘Oh, I love to bake, I should open a bakery!’ But running a bakery is a completely different skill set than baking…
You can read the full story and listen to the podcast at Wired.com.