The Coaching Relationship Revisited
A good coach will make his players see what they can be rather than what they are.
Ara Parseghian, Notre Dame Football Coach
In many ways, business coaching is at the heart of what we do at E-Myth Worldwide. But the question often arises as to why a business owner would need a coaching relationship and how to make the most of it. It is important to realize that coaching works best for people who are successful at what they do and are ready to go to the next level in their business. And, much like a sports coach, a business coach works with you to develop the skills and abilities that are already within you.
Why Have a Coach?
Coaching involves a number of different qualities that are not always employed with consulting. For example, in sports, a coach will help you understand not only how to do something, but why it is important or necessary. A coach will guide you, provide feedback and insight, while holding you accountable to the goals and objectives you have agreed to accomplish. A coach will facilitate your progress and work alongside you to help you achieve your vision.
Consultants, on the other hand, typically engage in an analysis of a particular problem, issue, or project while providing recommendations and suggested courses of action. While their role is usually advisory in nature, they will often perform specific work for a client. Their focus is generally on what needs to be done and not the why and how of the processes involved. Although some may disagree, it can be said generally that a consultant offers a fish, while a coach helps teach one to fish for themselves.
There are also significant and instrumental roles to be played by family, friends, and mentors in the life of a small business owner. Motivational materials, books, and seminars are useful as well. But as critical as these individuals and resources may be in the success of the business owner, none of them can fill the role that a coach can have in helping that business owner achieve his or her vision.
A Vision, a Journey, and a Guide Along the Way
Here’s a real-life tale of one our clients: Rick’s dad was a plumber, and Rick grew up working in his dad’s business. Then one day Rick decided that, since he’s a plumber and has lived in and observed the plumbing business all of his life, it was only reasonable that he establish a business of his own. And so he did.
Rick is a terrific plumber, but he found that while he could clear clogged pipes and repair broken toilets, he did not know very much about such things as how to hire and manage employees, use an income statement or financial balance sheet, or even develop marketing strategies to attract new customers. His dad had some good advice to give, and Rick’s wife tried to help with the books, but as his business grew he began to find himself working more and more hours and yet never getting a handle on the “business” of running the business!
A day came when he realized that, just as he invested his time and energy in learning his trade, he also needed to learn how to run a business. He knew that he needed to develop skills and acquire new skills to be an effective business owner, but he was reluctant to seek help. Fortunately, Rick had a friend—the owner of a successful hardware store—who offered some insightful advice and directed him to E-Myth Worldwide.
Armed with a clear vision of where he wanted to go with his business, and assured that he could indeed develop the skills he needed to successfully lead and build his business, Rick soon found that his business coach became an essential guide for navigating the path to business success and achieving his objectives. Along the way he also discovered that his relationship with his coach enabled him to see himself in ways he hadn’t before, and to find his proper role as a business leader and entrepreneur. Rick the plumber with a plumbing business became Rick the business owner who also happened to be a terrific plumber!
Dual-Vision and the Gift of Objectivity
What Rick and others like him have discovered through the coaching relationship is the need for what we call “dual-vision” and the value of a coach’s objective viewpoint and feedback. This dual-vision involves the art of keeping focused on the present and the needs of today, while always keeping the goal lying ahead clearly in view. The overriding value of the business coach is his or her ability to provide the critical objectivity to the business owner. This objectivity is supported with feedback and input to assist in that business owner’s progress.
Another aspect of the coach/business owner relationship that cannot be overlooked is the accountability that is provided. There is tremendous value in sharing one’s goals and objectives with another and then striving to accomplish them. In a very real way it becomes a partnership wherein the business owner is accountable to himself and his coach to fulfill his obligations, and the coach is accountable for facilitating the business owner’s experience along the way.
No one person has all the answers to the challenges faced in life or in business. But everyone can benefit from the insights, knowledge, and perspective of another. This is especially true for business owners who want to move beyond the place they find themselves today. Having a vision for your business is essential and getting the help you need to achieve that vision is priceless. Or, in the words of Tom Landry:
Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it.
Share Your Story
How has you and your business benefited from having a business coach? What is it about having a coach that is valuable for you?
Are you ready for an E-Myth Business Coach?
Learn to lead your business in a way that supports your life objectives and create a business that works for you without your constant involvement in the daily operations. We can show you how. Business owners, contact us today for a complimentary business consultation to learn more.
Flickr photo credit: Markfive