On October 14, 2009
Tipping Point? Republican (Murkowski) Hints at Support for Climate Change Bill
It would be a stretch to call it an endorsement. It’s more like a hint at support — the tiniest of wavers in what has been a rigid stance by Republican senators on climate change legislation. Funny, this hint of support isn’t for the actual climate change bill introduced by senators John Kerry,D- Mass., and Barbara Boxer, D- Calif. But for the bipartisan “Yes We Can (Pass Climate change Legislation)” op-ed piece written by Kerry and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R- S.C., that appeared Sunday in the New York Times. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, saluted today — not the Boxer-Kerry bill — but the framework for climate policy outlined in the op-ed by Kerry and Graham. She went as far as to “hope that it would mark a turning…