On August 17, 2009

Lowe’s Scales Back, Seeks Small Gains After Second Quarter Setback

Lowe’s dumped cold water on Wall Street’s rally, but it seems as if the retailer itself was flooded with a chilly reality in the second quarter, as sales, earnings and comps all fell significantly. Earnings were the only one of the three big metrics that didn’t suffer accelerating declines in the quarter  – falling 19 percent both for the period and the first six months to 51 cents per share and 84 cents per share respectively – as opposed to sales, down just under five percent in the quarter and just over three percent for the six months, and comps, down almost 10 percent in the quarter and just over eight percent in the half year. As opposed to the...
On August 17, 2009

Unintentional Entrepreneurs on NY1 TV

The Unintentional Entrepreneurs event in New York on August 13th was covered by NY1’s Employment reporter Asa Aarons filed the following report. Video of the Unintentional Entrepreneurs In New York Mitch Stoller shared his experience of stating on his own and I passed on a few tips I knew from my own foray into the entrepreneur [...]
On August 17, 2009

Demystifying Legalese in Contracts, Part I

This is a post by guest blogger Jonathan I. Ezor.

jonathan_ezor.jpgOne of the complaints frequently leveled against attorneys is that they speak, and write, a language foreign to all other people: legalese. This tongue, filled with words and phrases like "heretofore," "hereinafter," "notwithstanding the foregoing," "including but not limited to" and "except as otherwise provided herein," is most commonly seen in contracts, and seems to be best expressed in

very tiny letters.

The phenomenon causes most businesspeople, and even many other lawyers, to give up before ever trying to understand what the contract says.