The Business of Personal Relationships: What Small Businesses Need to Know Before Investing in CRM

On September 19, 2011

Jungle City’s Ann Mincieli on Innovation (Video)

Music industry veteran Ann Mincieli describes working with famous artists like Alicia Keys and the trials of opening up her own studio space in New York. Her goal is to provide a cutting-edge experience that accommodates all skill levels.No tags

On September 18, 2011

The Aussie Sickie Swindle | BTalk

New research shows 58% of Aussies have called in sick when they're not really ill. A global survey showed Australians 'chucked a sickie' more than most.
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On September 16, 2011

Friday Links

? The Portfolio Javelin blog has recently pointed us to two additions to big conversations happening in our world—one in the publishing world and one in the world at large. First, Brook Carey pointed us to…

On September 16, 2011

Why Wall Street Is Wrong About Netflix

Wall Street shuddered when Netflix announced lower expectations for the number of customers it would have. But if enough spend more, it's a smart business decision.
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