How Your Brand Can Frame “The Bigger Picture.”

On September 7, 2011

How Your Brand Can Frame “The Bigger Picture.”

Here’s the set-up: you’re an oil products supplier to a retailer whose end user is the general public. At first glance you might not feel that the public at large is your audience so your branding needn’t concern them. That

On September 7, 2011

Becoming an Inspirational Communicator

“I’ve said it over and over. I've told my people how to carry themselves at work. I’ve laid out simple guidelines to create a great environment for our customers. But no matter what I say, they seem more concerned with…

On September 7, 2011

Building a Business Brick by Brick

Birchbox co-founders Hayley Barna and Katia Beauchamp share how they manage scaling their quickly growing beauty discovery service.

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On September 7, 2011

Small Biz Resource Tip: TweetWhen


You may know what to tweet, but when to tweet is a little harder to predict. Do your followers check on tweets early in the morning, late at night or right after work hours? You want your news read…

On September 7, 2011

Sprint Hedges Its Bets With Suit Against ATT/T-Mo Merger

Sprint Nextel filed a lawsuit Tuesday to block the proposed $39 billion merger of rival wireless carriers AT&T and T-Mobile. The move by Sprint appears to be a tactical one aimed at protecting the company's options should

On September 7, 2011

What’s Your Company’s Worth?

What you need to know to increase the value of your business for a financial buyer

Have you ever wondered what a business like yours would sell for?

It's a fair question, but focusing on your valuation…

On September 7, 2011

When Salaried Employees Leave the Office Nest

Of the nearly 6 million people who consider home their primary place of work, 2.8 million -- slightly more than 2 percent of the population -- are employed by someone else, not "self-employed," according to the U.S.