Successful Start-ups: 3. How to Develop a Clear Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

On September 6, 2011

Innovation Lessons From Detroit

Author and Detroit native Josh Linkner shares poignant lessons in spurring change from the unfinished story of Motor City's slump and comeback.

The City of Detroit has had more ups and downs than the most pampered…

On September 6, 2011

5 Tips for Getting More Video Views

Justin Nassiri is the founder and CEO of VideoGenie, a company that helps brands gather, moderate and track customer contributed video. Prior to founding VideoGenie, Justin served as

On September 6, 2011

An Introduction to Willpower

Another Labor Day has passed, but your labor never ends… our work is never done. And while it may not seem that way, we all have more to give. More accurately, we can all give of ourselves…