The State of Online Auctions: Going, Going, Going?

On August 16, 2011

The State of Online Auctions: Going, Going, Going?

For thousands of years, auctions remained largely unchanged -- until 1995, when a computer programmer posted a single item online. The result: A broken laser pointer found a home, and Pierre Omidyar founded eBay. Unlike its slow-to-change

On August 16, 2011

Feds Stumble on Social Media Security, Privacy

U.S. government agencies are moving quickly to incorporate social media into their IT programs. For organizations with huge public constituencies, adopting Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as major communication channels makes a lot of sense. However, in the

On August 16, 2011

Oil Spills ‘Round the World: The 2011 Edition

More than a year since the Deepwater Horizon disaster, the oil industry continues to chant its "We're not BP" mantra. But a tally of recent oil spills suggests rest of the industry is pretty...
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On August 16, 2011

More Employers Use Facebook to Search for Job Candidates

By Maria Valdez Haubrich

Are you getting ready to hire employees to ramp up your business after years of running short-staffed? Or maybe you just need to replace an employee who’s retiring or leaving for other reasons.

For small businesses,…