Groupon Doomed by Too Much of a Good Thing

On August 16, 2011

Googorola: What’s In The Dowry?

Oh my! This makes Microsoft and Nokia's hook-up look like a dropped call.

In case you were under a rock yesterday, Google has announced it is buying Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion.

First, there are the obvious implications:

1. Google just Teflon-coated…

On August 16, 2011

Three Questions that Help Me Live a Fulfilling Life

I am on a plane with my wife Eleanor as we fly back from our once-a-year-without-children vacation. It was, for us, the perfect week. After years of planning vacations, we've finally figured out how to reliably create a meaningful, fun,…

On August 16, 2011

Top 10 Management Fads Du Jour

Like miracle diets that never work, these management fads should have stayed in the 20th century where they belong.
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On August 16, 2011

4 Ways to Handle Combative Co-Workers

Experts say many aggressive, volatile people are actually suffering from borderline personality disorder. How to get along with them.
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