Good Enough Can Be Great

On August 12, 2011

Good Enough Can Be Great

Good enough? Is that the best you can do? In our culture, with its focus on excellence and perfection, good enough is usually considered not enough. While that may be the conventional wisdom, good enough is sometimes exactly what you…

On August 12, 2011

The Booming Business of Gay Marriage

Same-sex couples in New York aren't the only ones thrilled by recent legislation to legalize their marriages; the news gave certain small business owners much to celebrate.
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On August 12, 2011

Keeping Great People with Three Kinds of Mentors

To attract and retain great people, several things need to coalesce. From the extrinsic reward of a salary to the more nuanced (and more important) intrinsic reward of people feeling that they have a meaningful role, it requires thought and…

On August 12, 2011

Study: Hispanics Link Business and Family

More than half start their businesses to have something tangible to pass to their children, versus a third of the general population.

For Hispanic entrepreneurs, business and family are closely linked, says new research.

The study, conducted by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance…

On August 12, 2011

When Do You Get to Live Your Dream?

Sooner or later you'll come face-to-face with one of life's toughest dilemmas: Play it safe or roll the dice? Five things to consider when making that gut-wrenching decision.
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On August 12, 2011

Beware of Corporate Recruiters on Facebook

It's no secret that nearly everyone is on Facebook. So, it shouldn't be a surprise that corporate recruiters are starting to infiltrate the world's largest social network in search of potential new hires. It makes sense for