Determine Your Funding Needs

On August 9, 2011

Determine Your Funding Needs

Break a business plan into bite-sized pieces to save time, and focus on what matters most for you right now. The last of a three-part series.

Last week I got a call from a former colleague—a…

On August 9, 2011

Small Biz Resource Tip: 1HrMail


Sometimes an email just won’t do. If you need to actually send something through the U.S. Postal Service, you no longer have to leave your computer, thanks to 1HrMail. 1HrMail has made that process fast and cheap—simply create your…

On August 9, 2011

3 Steps to Finding Your True Writing Voice

image of singer at the mic

As a professional copywriter, there’s one question that tends to pop up constantly from my readers and clients … “Can you teach me to write like you?”

My knee-jerk answer is usually something like, “Um. No. There is no…

On August 9, 2011

Businesses Don’t Consider Social Media Crucial

But 14 percent admit they're still not sure how to use it.

What marketing tool can't small businesses live without? Here's a hint: It's not Facebook (or any other recent innovation). It's old-fashioned word of mouth, according to a new report.
