Why VCs look Kindly on Failed Entrepreneurs

On August 8, 2011

Success Comes From Better Data, Not Better Analysis

One of the maxims of being a leader is to make yourself replaceable. I can't remember what business guru said it, likely because they lost their job before becoming famous.

Like a lot of people, working to make myself replaceable…

On August 8, 2011

How to Sell to the Super-Rich

Your best career move may very well be selling to the super-rich, who will emerge from the economic turmoil even richer than before.
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On August 8, 2011

5 Things Great Bosses Never Do

What you don't do can make as much or sometimes more impact on your employees than what you do.
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On August 8, 2011

The Manager’s New Role

"My children don't seem to need me anymore," a friend complained to me the other day. That isn't unusual; I often hear parents express their concerns about how little their children learn from them nowadays or ask them questions. From…

On August 8, 2011

Small Biz Resource Tip: LeadZumba


The hunt for new customers is a constant for small businesses. Every entrepreneur knows the challenge of finding qualified leads that can turn into real customers–and profits. LeadZumba promises high-quality leads with a maximum response rate through a variety…

On August 8, 2011

6 Ways to Squeeze More Value Out of Email Sign Up

What happens after someone subscribes to your retail email updates? Something like this?

If you’re only communicating a “thank you for signing up, you’ll see an email from us shortly” or “you can unsubscribe at any…