Verizon Workers on Strike – Who Will Win?

On August 8, 2011

Verizon Workers on Strike – Who Will Win?

Verizon is struggling through yet another strike. Actually, all the workers, customers and anyone who touches Verizon are also struggling. I have commented on these strikes many times over the last couple of decades. What is happening

On August 8, 2011

Confessions of a 21st Century Writer

image of handwritten journal entry

It felt like the walls were closing in, the room growing smaller.

My heart was hammering hard enough that I could see my pulse against the back of my eyes.

I was having trouble breathing, an automatic function that…

On August 8, 2011

Three Secrets of the Video Game Designer

If you want to keep your team jazzed about its work, start thinking like a video game designer. Of all the things that can get people deeply engaged in their work, the single most important is making progress — even…

On August 8, 2011

Excess Inventory Wastes Carbon and Energy, Not Just Money

Inventory. For those of us not in operations, supply chain, or logistics, it's a vaguely familiar line item we learned about in finance class. We know it's important and that we're supposed to reduce it by increasing "turns."

On August 8, 2011

Zen and the Art of Losing Money

Watching the stock market tank is not a productive use of your time. Here are three ways to put that mental angst to good use.
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On August 8, 2011

Stay-at-Home Parent Is the Worst Job Ever

It's practically American to complain about your job, but next to having no job at all, the worst job has got to be stay-at-home mom or dad.
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On August 8, 2011

How Does Your State Rank for Entrepreneurship?

New York is at the top of the list; South Carolina is at the bottom.

New York was tops in the nation for entrepreneurial activity, according to a new report.

The 2010 State Entrepreneurship Index—developed by economists at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln—evaluates…