Who and what is on your go-to short list for online help?

On February 2, 2010

Hints of Improvement for the Small Business Economy

Now for some good news. The small business economy is finally showing hints of improvement, according to William Phelan, the co-founder and CEO of commercial lending data provider PayNet, which collects loan information from several hundred capital equipment lenders…

On February 2, 2010

3 New Ways to Measure the Social Web

people pie chart imageTim Trefren is one of the founders of Mixpanel, Inc. a real-time analytics service that helps companies understand how users behave with web applications.

When most people think of web analytics, they think about pageview tracking; basically,…

On February 2, 2010

Who Is REALLY Ready for the Online Black Friday?

Well, Grokkers, the Holiday Season is officially upon us--Happy Black Friday! Most of FutureNow's good advice about optimizing for the Holidays has already been given, and hopefully you've been busy acting on it.  Many merchants are about to lock their

On February 2, 2010

B2B Marketing Book Review and Commentary, Part 2

Last week, I posted Part 1 of my book review of Steven Wood's Digital Body Language book.  It covered how the landscape of B2B, complex sales, and marketing has changed because of rapid developments in the Online world, and what

On February 2, 2010

Increase ROI On Your Marketing Efforts this Holiday Season

Perhaps you’re investing in affiliate marketing and have created some really captivating holiday banners for your affiliates, or maybe you’re investing a lot in PPC this holiday season. Are you simply looking at whether a marketing effort is converting and