Volkswagen Picks iPhone Over TV

On October 23, 2009

Volkswagen Picks iPhone Over TV

Volkswagen is using an iPhone app to promote the launch of GTI, rather than a traditional TV campaign, because the iPhone has broader reach than TV and, moreover, is more in line with its target audience.
On October 23, 2009

Are America’s Universities Too Big To Fail?

America produces the best universities in the world by nearly every measure. And their customers (students) seem willing to take out loans and pay whatever it takes to attend whatever institutions have the most celebrity professors and the biggest labs and football stadiums. In other words, America's universities are churning out SUVs of education. But what happens when students decide they'd rather not buy into these tuition guzzlers?
On October 23, 2009

The Right Way to Host a Windows 7 Launch Party

It's a day late, but we intentionally saved this for "casual Friday." By now you've no doubt seen the unintentionally hilarious Windows 7 Launch Party video, and perhaps some of the parodies as well. Here's our favorite one so far -- a spot-on imitation with an amusing (and NSFW, due to language) twist. Enjoy! Hosting Your Windows 7 Torrenting Party - watch more funny videos
On October 23, 2009

Chubb and Travelers Are the Best, but What About the Rest?

The reason why the best property casualty insurance companies report earnings first is the same reason the smartest pupils sit in the front of the class: they've done their homework and they're ready to answer questions. So it came as no surprise that Chubb was early out of the box to report that third quarter earnings had doubled, and Travelers announced the same day that profits had quadrupled. Meanwhile in the back of the class - where kids are staring into space, texting on cell phones and counting on government bailouts - the scene is not so serene. They haven't been called upon to recite yet, but a gloomy longer-term picture emerges from what Chubb and Travelers already reported. Profits are...
On October 23, 2009

Lawmakers Push Bill to Monitor Fed Lending Programs

The campaign to audit the Federal Reserve I wrote about in July has legs. Two lawmakers this week introduced a bill that would allow the Government Accountability Office to review the agency's programs for bailing out the financial industry. “During this financial crisis, Federal Reserve credit contributed greatly to the stabilization of the system," said Sen. Jeff Merkley, D.-Ore., one of the sponsors of the Federal Reserve Accountability Act, in a statement. "In doing so, the Federal Reserve departed significantly from its traditional relationship with markets and took on unprecedented new risks. Such a significant change in the Federal Reserve’s traditional activities demands responsible, robust oversight." Unlike more draconian legislation proposed in the House by Rep. Ron Paul, this measure...
On October 23, 2009

PepsiCo Gets a Little More Buzz Out of ‘Score’ App

PepsiCo has removed the iPhone application that promised to help men "score" with different types of women about a week after it was criticized for stereotyping. The soft drink and snack maker announced its decision on Thursday. The application, called "Amp up before you score" was unavailable for download on iTunes and removed from the brand's site.
On October 23, 2009

Wholesale Clubs Help Small Businesses Cut Costs

Keeping costs down and stretching available cash is a constant battle for small businesses. Fortunately, shopping at wholesale clubs like Sam's Club is an easy and convenient option that can help small businesses save money.

On October 23, 2009

9 Ways to Improve Your Direct Mail Brochure

Sure, the letter is the most important element in any direct mail package. But don't forget the brochure. It's important too! Here are nine ways to improve the pulling power of your next brochure.