SAP Should Give Microsoft Crowdsourcing Ideas

On October 23, 2009

Meat Industry: Meatless Monday Threatens Our Way of Life

Oh dear. Apparently the Baltimore public school system is forcing all of its students to go vegan and chant "meat is murder" before and after every class. No, wait, what was that? I'm sorry, I got that wrong. In fact, the schools have merely adopted Meatless Monday, meaning that one day a week, there is no meat on the menu in the school cafeteria, with the goal of cutting costs and promoting student health. Outrageous! The American Meat Institute is referring to it as "indoctrination" and the Animal Agriculture Alliance is urging people to write letters "to ensure this effort does not spread." I'm a little bit confused by this strategy. It doesn't seem... smart. Especially given that CNN was...
On October 23, 2009

Steal This Trick: The #1 Secret of Confident Bloggers

There are a million techniques to make your blog bigger, better, and more popular. (Heck, after four years, there are probably a half-million just here on Copyblogger.) Strong headlines, smart copywriting technique, celebrity gossip, telling stories, making readers laugh, stategic use of controversy, reviews of the latest technology, reveling in your love of Steve Jobs and all [...]
On October 23, 2009

The Next Big Thing Already Happened

The next big thing is never a repeat of last big thing. It’s always something new and different. It’s an original, not a copy. What if the next Facebook already happened, and it was Twitter? What if the next Netflix already happened, and it was YouTube. I see this a lot in business plans: businesses out to become “the next [...]
On October 23, 2009

Working Abroad: Great Opportunity or Dangerous Trend?

With the unemployment rate hovering right below ten percent, desperate times can call for desperate measures. On this blog, we've pondered if going abroad is a positive option for grads who can't find work at home, and the same idea has doubtless crossed the mind of many a frustrated job searcher. But does working abroad represent an opportunity for the unemployed (especially the younger job seeker without a family in tow), or the dangerous possibility of reverse brain drain that will sap the country's intellectual capital in the long term? Or perhaps both? Two blogs weigh in. On TechCrunch Vivek Wadhwa, an entrepreneur turned academic, weighs in with a big picture post looking at how the relatively better job prospects...
On October 23, 2009

Let Them Build Before They Buy

Us Grokkers are continuing to focus on what types of things eRetailers can work on to make Holiday Shopping more enjoyable (and persuasive) for their prospects.

Enter the “Product Configurator.” While it sounds a bit like an evil robot out of control, what we’re talking about today is simply an online…