New E-Books and Maybe New Directions

On October 20, 2009

New E-Books and Maybe New Directions

All eyes have been pointing toward New York and the Barnes & Noble announcement of its new e-reader, the Nook, which is supposed to be $259 with an e-ink screen and a small color touch-screen beneath the main display. But there is one quieter e-book announcement that ultimately may be more interesting, because it shows a different approach to what could become a dangerously stale category.
On October 20, 2009

Recession Not Affecting Business Mobile Service Use

According to ABI Research, the recession has had little impact on businesses' use of mobile data services. Worldwide mobile data services revenues are expected to increase 17% in 2010, they say.

"Company consolidations have forced the remaining workforce to become even more efficient," says practice director Dan Shey. "Mobile data services offer the most options for tailoring services to the needs and work practices of workers in order to increase productivity and business efficiency."

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On October 20, 2009

Ideas: From Conception to Maturity

As I continue to visualize, build and tweak my own business model I think about processes and tools that may be useful to my clients as they do the same. Today I'm looking at the process I use to examine...
On October 20, 2009

How Cisco Created Their Own Talent Incubator

While there's been a lot of discussion about how the recession may be over, to many organizations and their employees, the view ahead is still one tough slog. The zeitgeist says it's far too early to dream about constructing your ideal job; survival trumps career development.

Yet that's precisely the kind of thinking that will cause talented workers to tune out, turn off and, as soon as the economy picks up, take a hike.

In researching my upcoming book, Top Talent: Keeping Performance Up When Business Is Down, we found that the number one reason that talented people love their jobs — far outstripping compensation and recognition — is having stimulating and challenging assignments. This finding is backed up by our investigation into the commonalities between Boomer and Gen Y workers: Both groups — who together make up 148 million people, or nearly half of the U.S. population — overwhelmingly want their jobs to provide challenging and diverse opportunities to grow both personally and professionally.

It's an understandable impulse to dismiss such desires as luxuries to be postponed for fat years. Ironically, though, tough times offer plenty of scope for career development. When teams are operating with skeleton staffs, everyone must pitch in. A thoughtful team leader can use straitened circumstances to help strong performers gain access to stretch assignments or cross-functional roles that boost their skills and expand their professional network of colleagues and clients — opportunities that normally would not be available to them. Although managers may not be able to enhance salaries or titles, they can "promote" smart staffers among their colleagues by regularly spotlighting and sharing significant accomplishments, a practice that not only lets people shine in front of their peers but also helps everyone become better at their job.

In addition to encouraging individual managers' efforts, some organizations are crafting formal processes to turn the economic lemon into a very large vat of lemonade.

Cisco Systems is leveraging the recession to solve two of its most pressing problems — engaging top talent and satisfying the company's need for strategic innovation. Cisco's Action Learning Forum (ALF) is a rigorous 16-week program that gives 60 high-potential leaders the chance to strengthen their skills in leadership, strategic management and team development while working on real, high-profile business problems and start-up projects that are strategic to Cisco's operations. The participants, selected from the company's top performers in every function, generation and geography, work in teams guided by Cisco executives and faculty from MIT and Stanford.

Although the program costs approximately $10,000 per employee, since its launch in 2007 ALF teams have generated billions of dollars of what Cisco calls "new value creation." One idea — Smart Grid — revamps energy grids to make them faster and more cost-effective; it is projected to bring in $10 billion of revenue over the next five years.

Equally impressive are the gains in talent acceleration and engagement. Some 20 percent of the 360 participants have been promoted. And Cisco has lost only 2 percent of ALF alumni, reflecting the loyalty generated when high-performers are offered developmental opportunities.

Smart organizations can turn the recession into a talent incubator for little or no extra cost. Don't lose this opportunity to make a foolproof investment.

Read more about Cisco's Action Learning Forum by downloading this success story.

On October 20, 2009

Apple’s Best Kept Secret

Once again, Apple blew away analyst forecasts with a record quarter on record Mac and iPhone sales and profits. Firing on all cylinders doesn't begin to describe it. But how does Apple turn out one breakthrough product after another that redefines every market it enters? Here's the secret.
On October 20, 2009

Safeway Ponders Shopping Center Development

While not awful, grocer Safeway's third-quarter results weren't stellar either, with the chain posting modest decreases in sales and earnings. But that's not keeping management from talking about a capital expenditure that puts it in a whole new arena from the business-as-usual activity of opening and remodeling stores. Management is considering stepping up its development of shopping centers and owning more of its stores. Right now, in Safeway's portfolio of about 1,730 stores across the country, the grocer only owns about 40 percent of their locations. A Safeway spokeswoman told that: "We have the opportunity [to do that more] and then choose whether we want to continue to be the landlord and gain the revenue stream or sell some...
On October 20, 2009

Size Matters in Banking, and Big is Worse

Columbia University finance professor Charles Calomiris makes a case in yesterday's WSJ about why the world needs giant banks. "There are sizable gains from retaining large, complex, global financial institutions," says Calomiris, an economist and the former co-director of the American Enterprise Institute's "Financial Deregulation Project." His arguments can be summarized as follows: Big banks must operate globally to meet the needs of their increasingly vast corporate clientele Huge financial companies provide economies of scale, such as offering a wide range of services, benefiting the financial system and consumers as a whole Global financial institutions help developing market economies by extending them credit Big banks enable global trade by knitting together stock, bond and other markets Let's examine these claims...
On October 20, 2009

Is That Starcom Resignation Letter a Hoax?

Starcom is denying that a resignation email making the rounds -- in which an anonymous, long-suffering "senior media planner" announces he's quitting because he makes less than minimum wage for the hours he puts in -- is from anyone at the agency. The email (below) appears to say, "... why I'm resigning from Starcom."
On October 20, 2009

Price Cut Pushes PS3 Over the Top in September

It's an overnight success story that's been almost three years in the making: For the first time since its launch, Sony's PlayStation 3 outsold rival gaming console makers in September, thanks to a price cut that brought the PS3 more in line with Microsoft's and Nintendo's offerings. The PS3 sold nearly 492,000 units in the month, compared to 462,800 Nintendo Wiis and 352,600 Xbox 360s.