What Do You Stand For?

On August 3, 2011

What Do You Stand For?

Companies and their management don't go for ambivalence. Ambivalence doesn't get promoted. Your career won't go anywhere until you stand for something.
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On August 3, 2011

How to Launch a Challenge on Your Blog

TalkingCreating a steady stream of new and engaging content for your blog can be a daunting task, especially if you’ve been blogging for a while. As bloggers, sometimes we feel like content-producing machines, as we face the blank screen of…

On August 3, 2011

Training Beats Bonuses for Gen Y, Study Says

PwC's annual survey of CEOs shows that, economic malaise aside, the war for young talent is back on. So what are star Gen Y performers demanding? If you said cash, think again.
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On August 3, 2011

Google Gobbles Up Dealmap as Daily Deal Mania Grows

Google is goosing its still-nascent Google Offers with the acquisition of The Dealmap. The startup, which aggregates discounts from a number of daily deal sites, launched a little more than a year ago, and has already gained

On August 3, 2011

Apple’s Golden Hoard

Apple's recent iCloud announcement was merely the icing on the cake of a week of positive news coming from Cupertino. For one thing, iPhone sales made Apple the world's largest smartphone vendor in Q2 of 2011, according