Get Thousands of Dollars of Microsoft Software for $100

On October 15, 2009

Get Thousands of Dollars of Microsoft Software for $100

Sometimes a deal comes along that sounds almost too good to be true. In this case, it really is true -- if you meet the fairly narrow set of requirements to qualify for Microsoft's latest small business offering. But if you qualify, oh, the bounty. You get access to Windows, Office, Visual Studio, Expression Studio, and much more. For $100.  It's called BizSpark, and it's a program designed, according to Microsoft, "to unite startups and resources to support them into a single community." BizSpark provides access to Microsoft tools and technologies, support from Microsoft for entrepreneurs,  access to unlimited email support, online training, invitations to local technical events, and visibility via the MicrosoftStartupZone Website. So how do you qualify? To be...
On October 15, 2009

E-Commerce in Europe: Diversity Without the Melting Pot

It is important to understand that Europe is not a melting pot like the U.S., where people of different cultures and religions blended together far from their native lands. Politically and culturally, Europe is diverse, but each country has a different history, religion, national language, culture and heritage to which it remains strongly attached.

On October 15, 2009

The Data-Driven Marketer: Show Me the Numbers

The role of the chief marketing officer has evolved dramatically over the last 10 years. The average CMO is on the job for just 23.6 months. The CEO and board of directors are demanding a new level of accountability from senior marketing leaders, which requires tangible justification for marketing decisions.
On October 15, 2009

FSA to Send Boards Back to School

Job interviews usually have a trick question from left field but if you want a senior position in finance, expect to be asked "What are the circumstances under which the firm will fail?". This might not sound like positive thinking but it is the question the Financial Services Authority will ask. Having failed to prevent the credit crisis, the regulator is getting tough with the people who caused it, so besides being interviewed by headhunters and nominations committees, candidates for financial posts will now have a grilling by the FSA too.  A letter to all 5,000 firms warns candidates what to expect when they are summonsed for their hour-and-a-half inquisition at Canary Wharf. That question about the firm failing is...

On October 15, 2009

BAE Systems Suffers Due To U.S. Acquisition

BAE Systems acquired Armor Holdings two years ago in a move seen to give them a significant portion of the U.S. tactical vehicle market. Unfortunately the last two major contracts have gone to Oshkosh which may lead to a write down by BAE Systems.

On October 15, 2009

UK Directors’ Bonuses Have Frozen, Honest

Contrary to what you might be seeing in the news, bonus pay-outs for UK board members have significantly decreased. A recent Hay Group survey of almost 12,000 senior executives found the median (mid-range) average boardroom director's salary has stayed static in the twelve months to May 2009. Total cash paid, including base salary and bonus dipped by 10.1 per cent, with a third saying they had received no bonus at all. Below-board executive pay reflected these reductions, although not quite so severely. So, if Hay's data is correct, why is it we are hearing about bankers trousering fat bonuses still? In a conversation with Hay Group director Jon Dymond, he suggested that media reports of soaraway remuneration packages are based on...

On October 15, 2009

Coal Carbon Capture Pushed as a Cheap Solution

Carbon capture and storage at coal plants may yet become a common sight. International calls for CCS development are escalating, and Nature reports that both energy ministers and the International Energy Agency are calling for rapid deployment of the technology, starting now. The IEA's roadmap, released this week, asks for $2.5 to $3 trillion of investment between 2010 and 2050, including a $3.5 to $4 billion yearly commitment from some governments over the next ten years to fund demonstration projects. The problem with moving ahead is revealed by those numbers: any long-term plan for CCS must be prefaced with a decade or more of testing, as well as working out regulatory kinks to encourage private sector involvement. But where to...

On October 15, 2009

Travel Alert: Cuba Joins Swine Flu Quarantine

The U.S. government recently released a travel alert to all Americans traveling to Cuba -- the country is now implementing a H1N1, or swine flu, quarantine on all passengers, domestic or international, who seem to have flu symptoms. While U.S. carriers are also screening passengers and not allowing them to board, Cuban authorities can send the coughing, sneezing person to be seen by medical staff. Based on their findings, the passenger could be treated or quarantined in a local hospital, usually around six days. (The Department of State said it can't interfere if someone is quarantined.) Last month, the State Department issued a similar travel warning for H1N1 quarantine in China, also stating that Chinese facilities may mean "unavailability of suitable drinking water and food; unsanitary...

On October 14, 2009

10 Reasons You Need to Go to BizTechDay

San Francisco, October 22-23, 1202 business icons and enthusiastic entrepreneurs descend on San Francisco to share strategies and innovative tools to help launch and grow businesses. At BizTechDay, you’ll have a chance to learn from some of the most powerful business thought leaders, network with others and most importantly, get clear and practical ideas [...]